Peyman Kia, 42, was sentenced against his denial to life imprisonment in what has been called Sweden’s worst spy scandal. Now he admits parts of the crime description – and that the motive was financial. – It was simply to swindle me out of money, says the former Säpo employee. Ahead of the appeal court hearings that start on Monday, Peyman Kia has now requested to speak with the Security Police. – I will be completely honest in all parts. It is of course my hope to, by being completely honest, put all the cards on the table and kind of help this investigation forward regarding conditions that were previously unknown, says Peyman Kia to Säpo. In the interrogations, he makes several confessions and concessions. – I have never been in direct contact, i.e. physically. The first time, it was the right intelligence, it was sharp intelligence. And after that information, I received compensation. Then there were contacts back and forth. And on a second occasion information was sent again, that information was 100 percent false, it was made up. And it was hit and miss as detailed orders arrived. Peyman Kia says that Russia asked for specific information. – Based on the orders that came in, I simply went with a robber and completely made it up, but which I thought could be judged as probable, and I was compensated for that as well. The annexation of Crimea was the starting point Peyman Kia states in interrogation that he was first contacted by Russia’s foreign intelligence service SVR, but the handover of secret documents took place to the military intelligence service GRU. According to him, it was due to the GRU’s increased activity in connection with Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula. He also says that it was his little brother, Payam Kia, 35, who handed over envelopes at the Russian embassy in Stockholm. The envelope was addressed with the three letters: GRU. The younger brother was sentenced to nine years and ten months in prison in the district court. Peyman Kia explains how the contacts with Russia have looked and tells, among other things, that in the summer of 2014 they only wanted information about the submarine hunt that was going on in the Stockholm archipelago. – That was the only thing they were interested in. It was everything related to the submarine hunt and yes, who worked on it and what kind of information was collected and so on. “I sold myself” In interrogation, Peyman Kia tells that in the initial contact with the Russian intelligence service he “sold himself” in order to create trust. When he is asked to clarify how he presented himself to the Russian intelligence service, he replies: – Yes, well, and then that’s sort of what my information capacity is. Safety box hidden in a book – torn dollar bill by the toilet He also tells in detail about the security work that surrounded the process. Among other things, how a book in the family bookshelf functioned as a safe box that could be opened with a key. Among other things, Peyman Kia has kept his Iranian passport and ID card there. New information also concerns the toilet inside a library, where the ceiling is described as a possible dead mailbox. Ahead of the appeal court proceedings, new images from the Security Police have also been published. Photos taken in connection with the house search at the home of the younger brother, Payam Kia, and their mother show that the Security Police found torn dollar bills next to the family’s toilet. One of the prosecutors who led the spy investigation, Mats Ljungqvist, says to TV4 Nyheterna: – He has given partly new information in the interrogation, but I intend to present the reason for this at the main hearing in the Court of Appeal on Monday, so I do not want to comment further.
Peyman Kia admits: I did it for money