Makes it to the final in the Farm – completely without amulets

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Tora Brandström is the only one of four to step into Farmen’s semi-finals completely without amulets. But she will nevertheless be the first to squeeze a place in the final. – I really don’t understand, says Tora. It has come time for the semi-finals in the Farm. Two will become four – which of Viktor Bergström, Asiatou Touray, Tora Brandström and Nebil Davidsson will manage to squeeze the two final places? Taking first place in the Farm 2023 finals, Nebil steps in with five amulets, and Tova with zero amulets after she lost all of hers during an earlier battle in the ting. But! That doesn’t stop her from being the first to advance to the finals of The Farm! With the help of her knowledge, she manages to become the first to collect ten points – completely without the help of amulets. – It feels absolutely unbelievable that I’m in the final, I really don’t understand, says a happy Tora. In the player above, you’ll see when Tora becomes the first to take a place in the final!
