end of the national mourning, the survivors of the shipwreck create a collective to demand justice

end of the national mourning the survivors of the shipwreck

In Gabon, the three-day national mourning decreed by the authorities in memory of the victims of the sinking of the Esther Miracle ferry on March 9, 2023 ends on Thursday March 16. The death toll from the tragedy is 21 dead, 16 missing and 124 survivors.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

On Wednesday March 15, the Gabonese President, Ali Bongo, his wife Sylvia and several members of the government went to Port Mole, the starting point of the ship that sank. They consoled the families who watch over it night and day under the sun and the rain.

The people of Libreville also go down to the port to watch with the families of the victims. They came from all parts of the capital to pray that those still missing are found, even dead. “ It is hoped that the bodies that remained under water can be brought out “explains a woman.

Under the tent where the list and photos of the disappeared are displayed, relatives continue to lay wreaths of flowers, others candles. “ We want those responsible for this tragedy to be punished asks another woman. Sadness and emotion are vivid. The Catholic Church has opened a listening cell. The Gabonese Samu social offers medicines and above all consultations with psychologists, explains Lauris Ndaot, clinical psychologist : “ The survivors are in a moment of anguish and quite high psychological distress. We have the question of insomnia, lack of appetite, but also depression in relation to what happened. »

For those guilty of negligence to answer in court

The 124 survivors of the shipwreck decided, Wednesday, March 15, to create a collective. In the immediate future, they demand identity documents, since they lost everything during the sinking. They also claim their property and above all justice, so that those guilty of negligence answer to justice. “ Those who died inside the boat, it was because they did not receive the instructions to get out of the boat. Vests were not vests for the situation “says a survivor.

This group of survivors wants everyone to take responsibility for the situation : “ The boat was already starting to take on water and everyone was scattered. They were able to save the crew members, they saved each other first by abandoning the customers in the boat. For these survivors, those responsible for the Esther Miracle structure must be able to take their responsibilities, particularly in terms of identity papers. Some people live in France and unfortunately they have lost everything. There is a person who returns there on March 21, but his passport, and therefore his visa, has remained in the water.

National mourning ends this Thursday, March 16. Some Gabonese are calling for a national funeral and a stele in memory of the victims. The collective expects a fair trial.

To listen also: Gabon: “I live a trauma that does not say its name”, says a survivor of the “Esther Miracle”
