"Significant weaknesses" at major banks

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Credit Suisse has for some time been linked to a series of crises and scandals. At the end of last year, it was announced that around 9,000 employees would have to leave when the bank was restructured.

At the same time as the banking scandal surrounding, among other things, the American niche bank Silicon Valley Bank has come into the world’s focus, there is now new information about Credit Suisse.

In the annual report that has now been published, a week delayed due to questions from the US Financial Supervisory Authority, the bank admits that there are “weaknesses” linked to the financial statements for 2021-22 applicable risk assessment.

At the same time, Credit Suisse states that outflows from customers have now stabilized, but no turnaround is seen yet. At the same time, chairman of the board Axel Lehman is said to be waiving the fees of 1.6 million dollars for his work.

The ongoing crisis linked to US niche banks such as Silicon Valley Bank has had an extreme impact on the market. The news agency Bloomberg states that the fall in exchange rates worldwide has meant that values ​​corresponding to 465 billion dollars have disappeared.
