The government invests 100 million – wants to counteract unequal youth sports

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In addition to health gains and social community, the government considers that sport in itself fulfills an important function in the work to promote integration and in the crime prevention work.

The government proposes that SEK 100 million be set aside annually to enable the sports movement to gather strength for increased sports participation in vulnerable areas.

– It is important that we take a long-term view of this so that the sport gets closer to the children and they get a real chance to participate, says Jakob Forssmed.

“Different solutions are needed”

Johan Norberg is a sports researcher at Malmö University. He is not convinced that more money is the solution to solving segregation.

– Sports can be an actor that gives young people meaningful free time, but you cannot give sports the task of solving segregation. The sports associations must join forces with other actors such as municipalities and schools. And different solutions are needed in different areas, he says.
