Green economy, EU responds to USA: ok to new state aid regime

Ukraine the EU Commission prepares the tenth package of sanctions

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Green light from the EU Commission to the new temporary crisis framework on state aid to support European companies in the transition to a zero-emission economy. This was announced by the EU executive itself.

The new aid scheme – which will remain in force until the end of 2025 – “extends the possibility for member states to further support the necessary measures for the transition towards a zero-emission industry. This concerns in particular the schemes to accelerate the introduction of renewable energies and energy storage and the schemes for the decarbonisation of industrial production processes, which Member States can now set up until 31 December 2025″. by the Commission.

“Our rules” on state aid “allow to accelerate ‘Net-Zero’ investments‘ at this critical moment, while protecting the level playing field in the single market and cohesion objectives”. flexibility on public subsidies for the green transition The changes introduced offer “member countries the possibility of giving support in a rapid, clear and predictable way” and “are proportionate, targeted and temporary”, he underlined.

The new temporary framework – the third after those put in place by Brussels on the Covid emergency and, subsequently, on the consequences of the war in Ukraine – introduces new measures to further accelerate investments in key sectors for the transition to a zero-emissions economy, so as to ensure support for investments for the production of strategic equipment, in particular batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, but also heat pumps, electrolysers and carbon capture and storage, as well as for the production of key components and for the production and the rrecycling of related critical raw materials.
