A Bulgarian MEP gives a Nazi salute in the hemicycle of the European Parliament

A Bulgarian MEP gives a Nazi salute in the hemicycle

It is a serious gesture which could earn him a sanction from the European Parliament: a Bulgarian MEP gave the Nazi salute on Wednesday evening as he left the hemicycle at the end of the plenary session. A few moments earlier Angel Dzhambazki had criticized the decision of the European Court of Justice authorizing a financial sanction mechanism against countries that do not respect the legal standards of the Union.

With our special correspondent in Strasbourg, Daniel Vallot

The images only last a few seconds but they leave no room for doubt. As he climbs the steps of the hemicycle to leave, the Bulgarian MEP turns around and stretches out his arm in front of him, addressing a Nazi salute to the European assembly.

Angel Djambaski belongs to the right-wing Eurosceptic group of European Conservatives and Reformers. A few moments before his gesture, he had raged against a decision of the European justice paving the way for financial sanctions against Poland and Hungary. ” We will never allow you to tell us what to say and what to do. “, he said in particular. “ Long live Bulgaria, Hungary and the Europe of nation states “.

A fascist salute in the European Parliament is unacceptable “, reacted on social networks its president Roberta Metsola. ” This gesture is part of the darkest chapter in our history and must remain there. “.

Sanctions could be taken against the Bulgarian MEP. According to the rules of procedure of the Europarliament, the deputies must abstain from any “inappropriate behavior” and “any offensive remarks” within the confines of the institution.

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