(Finance) – “After the control room with the main operators in the national energy and electricity sector, held last February 6 in the presence of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, today an important discussion with the representatives of Regions, Provinces and Municipalities for the definition of Repower Eu, the European plan to deal with the difficulties of the global energy market caused by the war in Ukraine, which must be presented to the European Commission by 30 April”. This is what Palazzo Chigi said in a note.
They attended the meeting Raffaele Fitto, Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the Pnrr And Roberto Calderoli, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies. “It is a question – highlights Palazzo Chigi – of a first fundamental confrontation with the Regions and local authorities who will be decisive players in the implementation of the Plan, which concerns not only the interventions to be implemented, through the remodulation of the Pnrr and the cohesion policy funds to ensure our energy independence, but a whole series of measures concerning regulations and rules, and a series of incentives to support families and businesses”.