Hypersensitivity: test, “symptoms”, what does that mean?

Hypersensitivity test symptoms what does that mean

Hypersensitivity is a character trait that corresponds to higher than average emotional or sensory sensitivity. It is not a disease or a disorder. Characteristics of a hypersensitive, test, how to manage your emotions…

To be hypersensitive is to be more sensitive than average. The person lives things much more intenselywith reactions or attitudes sometimes perceived as disproportionate or excessive. There is also a National Day dedicated to hypersensitivity: on January 13 in France. How do you know if you are a hypersensitive person? What are the characteristics of a hypersensitive? Is there an official test ? What is the cause of hypersensitivity? Can we mitigate it? Treat her?

What does it mean to be “hypersensitive”?

Hypersensitivity is not a disease but a character trait which is manifested by extreme sensitivity to the world that surrounds us. “In hypersensitivity we mean “sensitivity” and “hyper”. This means that thewe experience things much more intensely than most people and that we are unable to protect ourselves from the emotions of those around us, whether near or far. THE hypersensitive people are very gentle, very refined, and they generally evolve in creative circles“, comments Valérie Grumelin-Halimi, psychologist.

What is emotional hypersensitivity?

Emotional hypersensitivity refers to reacting strongly to emotional stimuli since we apprehend the world through our emotions. “Feelings and perceptions are increased tenfold. The hypersensitive is very receptive to what surrounds him, he has a strong emotivity and a great expressiveness“, observes the psychologist.

Is hypersensitivity a disease?

No. Hypersensitivity is not a disorder, syndrome or disease. That’s why we can’t really talk about “symptoms” or “treatment”. It is a set of characteristics present in the personality of an individual.

What is sensory hypersensitivity (to touch)?

Sensory hypersensitivity relates to touch, that is to say that a simple touch can disturb the hypersensitive person and reach all his senses. “He is someone who is “on edge”. The slightest subtle touch will sharpen all of his senses.”underlines the specialist.

As the name suggests, immediate hypersensitivity kicks in right away while delayed hypersensitivity sounds after the fact. “For example, we watch the news, it cuts our appetite”, comments Valérie Grumelin-Halimi. In delayed hypersensitivity, what affects us will echo a past event buried in sensory memory and thus plunge us back into a kind of depression.

What is olfactory hypersensitivity (to smells)?

Olfactory hypersensitivity reflects an extreme sensitivity to odors. “We can enter a room and smell a smell that we like or dislike because it reminds us of something and makes us relive a period.“, underlines the psychologist.

What is auditory (noise) hypersensitivity?

Also called hyperacusis, auditory hypersensitivity is characterized by an intolerance to certain sounds. It can be innate or develop as a result of an emotional shock or post-traumatic stress.

What are the characteristics of a hypersensitive?

According to our interviewee:

→ A hypersensitive person is often someone delicate and very empathetic with everything around him.

→ She takes everything for herself, touches her everything: the misfortune of some, the misfortune of others.

→ Everything makes her happy or everything makes her sad. It’s a real emotional sponge.

→ The hypersensitive person often has the impression of not being up to it, they easily question themselves

→ The hypersensitive person tends to take criticism badly (susceptibility) and to dwell on the reproaches or reflections that can be made to him.

What is the cause of hypersensitivity?

This personality trait very often comes from education. he can be something that happened in very early childhood even during genesis. “During the intrauterine period, the child spends nine months being an emotional sponge in his mother’s womb. In other words, the emotions of the mother impact the fetus., adds the specialist. Furthermore, thegifted child has extraordinary visual, olfactory, gustatory, auditory and kinesthetic abilities. He scrutinizes, perceives and analyzes everything down to the smallest detail. His emotional sensitivity is also exacerbated, he feels things intenselywhich can weaken him in his relationship with others.

Is there an official test to prove hypersensitivity?

To validate hypersensitivity, we will evaluate our reactions according to our five senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch and sight. Among the following questions:What can’t I bear to watch? What can’t I bear to hear? What smells can’t I stand? What can’t I bear to feel on my body? If we realize that there are more than three things that we cannot bear, then we are hypersensitive”, says the psychologist. But there is no official test specially designed to detect hypersensitivity.

How to manage your hypersensitivity?

The best way to learn how to manage your hypersensitivity is to consult a psychologist in order to understand where “this knot formed” and to determine whether it is traumatic or reflex”, recommends Valérie Grumelin-Halimi. In the meantime, we have to start with take some distance when you feel that you are absorbing the emotions others and that it affects us. We can also self-discipline ourselves by practicing activities that help us better manage our emotions, such as meditation, yoga or sports to relieve stress.

thanks to Valerie Grumelin-Halimipsychologist, author of “I’m shy and I use it” published by Guy Trédaniel.
