Dennis Kelly, acid in the blood

Dennis Kelly acid in the blood

For her first staging, the actress Marie Mahé presents on the stage of the Théâtre La Tempête “DNA”, a chiseled and powerful text by the British playwright Dennis Kelly who questions our relationship with others in a sometimes chilling way.

The play begins with a story, after all, quite banal. A story of the playground, or an outing in a summer camp against a backdrop of school bullying and adolescent stupidity. A scapegoat, a whipping boy, raining blows, stone throwing, and suddenly tragedy.

Then begins a kind of thriller both sociological and psychological, served by four actors who handle with implacable dexterity the language both dry and bloody of the British playwright Dennis Kelly.

And through the characters, what she tells us about us, the human beings that we are, is blood-freezing. It also asks many questions about our relationship to others and to ourselves, to our DNA in a way. The title of the piece “DNA” and the fact is that it does not lack acid.

In the staging, Marie Mahewho is also an actress, is the guest of VMDN alongside two of her partners, Lea Luce Busato And Maxime Bouteraon.

DNA is on view at the Théâtre de la Tempête in Paris until March 19, 2023.

Reporting : Yoram Melloul met the Eco-Friendly-Afro-Futuristic-Punk collective, Fulu Miziki, from Kinshasa as part of the exhibition ” Plasticocene installed in La Friche, Marseille. They organize a garbage collection followed by a concert in the Belle de Mai district on March 4, 2023. The particularity of this collective, making music from instruments made with the collected waste.
