Is neck hernia treated with neural therapy? Is neural therapy good for neck hernia?

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Neural therapy enables the body to repair the problem areas by re-running the self-healing feature, which should be able to do it on its own, but which it cannot do sometimes due to excessive load, and prevents the formation of chronic diseases. Injection is the basis of the important differences that distinguish neural therapy from other injectable treatments and complementary medicine methods. In other therapy and treatment methods, drugs are given to the tissue, while in neural therapy, needles are usually inserted into the skin, acupuncture areas and spinal cord segments.

What is neck hernia, what are the symptoms?

There is a “gelatinous” substance, which is responsible for absorbing the shock impulses that occur while moving between the bones of the spine, which is called “Vertebra” in medicine. The slippage of this material into the spinal canal as a result of damage to the disc structure in the neck is defined as “herniation”. The following items are frequently encountered as neck hernia symptoms:

  • The neck is staring at the same point for a long time without moving.
  • Spending a lot of time in front of the computer and television.
  • Not doing neck exercises.
  • Staying under cold air conditioners too long.

The flattening of the vertebral bones in the neck, which are normally open to the front in a “C” shape, is also called neck flattening. Neck flattening, which is a disease as common as neck hernia, has various causes. Factors such as staying in the wrong positions for a long time, being under stress, iron and calcium deficiency, choosing the wrong pillow are the causes of neck flattening. Severe neck pain is one of the symptoms of neck straightening.

Does the flattening and narrowing of the neck hernia heal with physical and neural therapy?

Neck hernia is among the diseases that can be treated. The vast majority of neck hernia patients benefit from medications and physical therapy without the need for surgical intervention. Few patients with neck hernia require surgical intervention. Surgical intervention is an operation performed with a microscope from the front of the neck. Patients can return to their normal lives shortly after treatment.

When many patients resort to traditional methods, the treatment may not progress as desired and the pain may continue. Therefore, patients begin to look for other treatment options. Neural therapy is one of the neck hernia treatment methods that have been encountered by patients recently. It is useful in the treatment of neck hernia neural therapy. Many patients who applied to neural therapy for neck hernia had positive results. Lifestyle changes are usually sufficient for the treatment of neck flattening. Surgery is not required for most patients, but neural therapy can be used in the treatment of chronic pain in neck straightening.

What is neural therapy in neck hernia?

In the autonomic nervous system (spontaneous, unconscious body movements) it balances electrical “gradients” in the body. For this reason, situations such as injury or surgical intervention may cause electrical imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Local anesthetics used in neural therapy try to rebalance electrical gradients in nervous system fibers. For these reasons, neural therapy is one of the most ideal treatment methods for neck hernia and neck straightening.

Neural therapy in neck hernia is one of the treatment methods that gives very good results. Neural therapy can treat chronic problems such as shoulder and joint pain caused by neck hernia. In addition to these, problems in the digestive system, impaired pelvic floor function, mood problems and many other conditions can be applied. In addition to these, neural therapy supports detoxification and balances the endocrine and hormonal systems.
