Jeanne Benameur, daughter of the Mediterranean and sister of Isis

Jeanne Benameur daughter of the Mediterranean and sister of Isis

Jeanne thinks, even when she dances, she thinks. She has Atlantic thoughts, also turned towards the Aegean Sea. That’s how in his bag, the undertow of a story begun in Algeria, continues in the water of inner sensations. (REDIFFUSION FROM MARCH 22, 2022)

In the water of a language still learning, we remember well our Stayed. And read his new novel The patience of traces in the running for the Roman France TV 2022 prize. But can water repair the sores of the earth? This is perhaps one of the questions we will ask this author Actes Sud Jeanne Benameurpassed from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, from silence to writing, and which we receive in full commemoration of the Evian Accords.

The musical choices of Jeanne Benameur

Janis Joplin Move over

Bach Cello Suite No. 2

Philip Glass facades.
