Latest news – Metsola wants to start negotiations on Ukraine’s membership

Latest news Metsola wants to start negotiations on Ukraines
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Metsola wants to start negotiations on Ukraine’s membership

today at 16.23 Fanny Westling

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola made an announced visit to Lviv this week.

The purpose of the trip was to meet with President Zelensky and talk about Ukraine’s bid to join the EU, reports Politico.

“I am hopeful that accession negotiations can start already this year,” Metsola said in Lviv on Saturday.

Zelensky himself traveled to Brussels a month ago where he gave a speech in parliament.

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  • Who is leading the investigation into Nord Stream?

    Jenö Barany

    Hello! In Sweden, it is Säpo that handles the investigation. It is led by Mats Ljungqvist, chamber prosecutor at the national unit for security cases.

  • Hey, why isn’t anyone bringing up the Nord Stream sabotage

    Who has done it is that lid on from above

    Etc. Barret

    Jenö Barany

    Hello! It is not yet clear who or who were behind it.

    We report what emerges.

    You can follow our reporting on Nord stream here.

  • Why is Putin on the running list every day?

    Stefan Gustafsson

    Because he started a war in Europe. Including.

  • Is the whole “snip” story over now or is there a chance it will be brought up again and he will be convicted for what he did?


    Hello! By March 23 at the latest, the Attorney General must decide whether the case should be taken up in the Supreme Court or not.

  • Your question / chat function is not good. You only answer like 3 comments per day.


    Hi Darwin,

    We answer as much as we can, some days more and others less. Our main priority will always be news reporting.

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