Hamas decision from Australia – World News

Tension is rising in the region Bidens counterattack

Australia announced that they will include the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which governs Gaza in Palestine, on the list of terrorist organizations. The statement came from the Australian Home Secretary Karen Andrews.


In a written statement on the official page of the Ministry of Interior, Minister Andrews announced that Australia has renewed the list of terrorist organizations, and announced that together with Hamas, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in Syria, Hurras al-Din and the United States-based National Socialist Order groups will be on the list of terrorist organizations. .

Stressing that the Australian government is focused on protecting Australians from terrorism and violent extremism, Andrews said: “The views of Hamas and the violent extremist groups listed today are deeply disturbing and there is no place for their hateful ideology in Australia.”

Australia, which had previously declared the Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, a terrorist organization, has banned the political wing of Hamas with its new decision.

Under Australian law, those found guilty of terrorist activities can face up to 25 years in prison.

Source: AA
