21 weeks of pregnancy (23 weeks): which first name to choose?

21 weeks of pregnancy 23 weeks which first name to

During this 21st week of pregnancy, the gynecologist will confirm the sex of the baby (if you have not yet had the morphological ultrasound). Girl or boy ? It’s the perfect time to think about choosing a baby’s first name!

At 21 weeks of pregnancy or 23 SA, the end of your fifth month is approaching. At this stage of pregnancy, your belly is getting heavier and you may feel more tired. If you haven’t done it yet, a prenatal visit can be expected this week, just like morphological ultrasound, which usually takes place between 20 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. And since you’re finally going know the sex of the baby, we give you some tips and name ideas for girls and boys. Symptoms, belly, weight gain and baby size… Here’s what you need to know about this 21st week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 21 weeks of pregnancy?

The 21st week of pregnancy corresponds to 23 weeks of amenorrhea or 23 SA. You will soon arrive at the end of your fifth month of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy at 21 weeks?

In this fifth month of pregnancy, your baby begins to draw on your iron stores. It is therefore possible to feel more tired this week. Some pregnant women sometimes have headaches as well as muscle aches, or even cramps during the night. The frequent urges to urinate are always present, and this until the end of the pregnancy.

Already colostrum?

At this stage of pregnancy, your body begins to produce colostrum, the first milk you will give your baby if you have chosen to breastfeed. This liquid is yellowish and rich in nutrients and immune substances. Until you give birth, the colostrum you produce naturally is reabsorbed into your bloodstream.

In some women, this colostrum can flow more or less abundantly during pregnancy. This phenomenon is quite normal, as is its absence. If you have a few small leaks, plan for breast pads that you will place in your bra.

The 2nd ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy

If you haven’t had it yet, the morphological ultrasound takes place between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy (22 or 24 weeks). As a reminder, this 2nd trimester ultrasound is necessary to detect any anomalies, and to check that the baby is developing well. You can also be fixed on the gender of the baby!

Girl or boy, which first name to choose?

You’ve probably already thought about a few name ideas for your future baby, by establishing a list for girls and boys. If you have passed the 2nd morphological ultrasound, you are now fixed, with the future dad, on the sex of the baby. Otherwise, you will soon find out if you are pregnant with a girl or a boy. Start by thinking about types of first names that you appreciate: a rare first name, rather worn and trendy, a mixed or compound first name, or rather a chic or old first name. Depending, here are some ideas for female and male first names that could inspire you.

What weight gain at 21 weeks of pregnancy?

At the end of the 5th month of pregnancy, it is recommended not to exceed 6 kg. But these recommendations also depend on your base weight and your BMI. A weigh-in at your doctor’s during your monthly check-up will let you know if your weight gain is correct. Continue to watch your diet, eat a varied and balanced diet and try not to snack too much. If the scale gets out of control, consult your doctor. He can refer you to a dietician who will accompany you throughout the pregnancy and will give you valuable advice.

How is the belly at 23 SA or 21 weeks of pregnancy?

At the end of the 5thmonth of pregnancy, you can no longer hide your condition! Your belly is now noticeably rounded. Depending on your morphology, it may nevertheless be more or less prominent. During a first pregnancy, the belly may take a little longer to round out without this necessarily implying that there is a problem. Try not to compare yourself, every pregnancy is different.

Are you having contractions at 21 weeks pregnant?

If your abdomen hardens for a few seconds and then relaxes, it is a contraction. AT 21 weeks pregnant they should be painless and normally do not affect the cervix. These contractions are a rehearsal before D-Day, your body is training! Be careful, if they become regular, painful or are accompanied by blood loss, consult without delay.

How is the third prenatal examination carried out?

If you haven’t done so yet, don’t forget your consultation of the fifth month of pregnancy (which is also the third prenatal visit). From now on, this appointment will take place every month until the birth of your baby. You can do this either with your gynecologist or a private midwife, or directly with one of the midwives or one of the doctors in the maternity ward where you are going to give birth. This appointment is an opportunity to make a complete point: weight gain, measurement of blood pressure, measurement of the height of the uterus, vaginal examination to check correct closure of the collar. You can take the opportunity to talk about your little ailments of the moment (heavy legs, sleep, etc.) and get useful advice.

What are the baby’s movements at 21 weeks?

Your baby’s movements are now smooth, each sensation, each blow is a delight. They punctuate your days… and your nights! he shows himself to be more and more attentive to the noises of his environment and to the caresses that you can lavish on him by placing your hand on your belly. At 21 weeks pregnant, you should feel it every day, even if he still sleeps a lot. If you notice a change or do not feel it move for an unusual period of time, do not hesitate to consult to be reassured.

What is the baby’s height and weight at 21 weeks pregnant?

At the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, your baby measures approximately 25 cm for 450 grams. It continues to grow and gain weight steadily.

How is the baby developing at 21 weeks of pregnancy?

  • The placenta that connects it to you is now fully formed and functioning and producing all the hormones necessary for pregnancy.
  • Your child’s lungs are starting to work more regularly and frequently, even though he is currently only breathing amniotic fluid.
  • His skin is now beginning to cover with vernix caseosawhich effectively protects it in particular from prolonged immersion in amniotic fluid.
  • Your baby’s senses continue to mature. He is now able to hear sounds, especially the low sounds of her daddy’s voice. Talk to him as much as possible so that he gets used to your voice.
  • It can also react to touch, for example when you put your hand on your stomach or that you caress it. Do not hesitate to communicate with him!
