Julie Pietri reveals that she has endometrial cancer

Julie Pietri reveals that she has endometrial cancer

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    This Wednesday, March 1, singer Julie Pietri revealed on her Instagram account that she has endometrial cancer.

    It is through an Instagram video, that Julie Pietri announced the dark news. The 67-year-old singer has endometrial cancer, the most common cancer of the female reproductive system in France.

    “I will go to the end of my fight”

    The interpreter of “Eve get up” revealed to his fans “not going very well”.

    And for good reason: suffering from endometrial cancer, she must undergo an operation on March 7th.

    Here, I have cancer, endometrial cancer, I will be operated on March 7th. For that you know that I am ready to fight, I am combative, sometimes my heart races. It’s not going very well, that’s why I need your support, that you are there, that we are together, that we maybe fight together. In any case, I know that if you are present, it does me good. I will really go to the end of my fight, I don’t want anyone else to take hold of what I have just announced to you. And so far, you know me, I am sincere and upright. The truth, I owed it to you. I kiss you so much, thank you”confided, not without sadness, the singer.

    A statement that did not leave his fans indifferent, many to show their support.

    What is endometrial cancer?

    According to the Cancer Research Foundation, cancer of the endometrium (the lining that lines the inside of the body of the uterus) commonly occurs”in postmenopausal women aged 55 to 70.. The diagnosis is often made around the age of 68.

    As for the causes, they are multiple: hormonal, genetic, metabolic (obesity, hypertension)… Even if the main risk factors for this cancer remain overweight and obesity.

    As for screening for this cancer, if there is none to date, the “recurrence of vaginal bleeding after menopause should prompt the patient to seek immediate medical attention“, specifies the Foundation.

    Indeed, this abnormal bleeding is the main symptom of endometrial cancer.
