Weather alert: what is it, levels, map

Weather alert what is it levels map

Set up by Météo France in 2001, weather alerts aim to inform citizens and public authorities of future weather hazards. What are the vigilance levels of a weather alert? How to receive them directly on your mobile? Explanations.

Definition: what is a weather alert?

The weather alert is a system set up by Météo France to inform the population in case of dangerous weather phenomena. Vigilance covers 9 phenomena: violent wind, waves-submersion, rain-flooding, floods, storms, snow-ice, avalanches, heat wave and extreme cold. The dangers are represented on a map which is regularly updated. When vigilance is orange or red, the type of phenomenon is specified by a pictogram.

What are the vigilance levels of a weather alert?

There are four levels of weather vigilance:

  • Green (level 1) : no specific vigilance.
  • Yellow (level 2) : Locally hazardous phenomena are forecast. It is recommended to follow the evolution of the situation.
  • Orange (level 3) : dangerous phenomena are announced. It is recommended to be very vigilant and to keep informed of the evolution of the situation.
  • Red : very dangerous meteorological phenomena are forecast. Vigilance must be absolute and the safety instructions must be respected.

The weather alert map is updated at least twice a day at 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Who publishes the weather alert map?

The weather alert map is published by Meteo France. It is updated at least twice a day at 6 a.m. and 4 p.m.. The level of risk is indicated using a color code. Each dagger can be colored green, yellow, orange or red.

What are weather alerts used for?

The primary purpose of weather alerts is to warn citizens and public authorities hazardous weather phenomena likely to occur in the next 24 hours. They also inform of precautions to take to protect themselves and the consequences that non-compliance with these instructions could entail. Weather alerts are also intended for health authorities and civil security services to enable them to mobilize the intervention teams.

The vigilance map is permanently available on the Météo France website

The vigilance card is permanently available on the website of Meteo France and on the website vigilance. To receive weather alerts directly on your mobile, simply download the app and subscribe to notifications vigilance for the desired department.

Source: A weather hazard warning device, Météo France
