Sarnia-area woman urged to stop using drugs amid first criminal conviction

Sarnia area woman urged to stop using drugs amid first criminal

Until this week, Kelsi Manning had no criminal record.

Until this week, Kelsi Manning had no criminal record.

Then, the 20-year-old Corunna resident picked up convictions for assault with a weapon – a minivan – and court breaches. The young mom’s recent legal issues arose around the same time she was introduced to crystal meth, her lawyer explained to a judge.

Justice Krista Lynn Leszczynski told Manning her new situation is very concerning.

“(You’ve) chosen a path recently that I can assure you, Ms. Manning, is only going to bring destruction and pain to your life and that of your children and that of your family,” she said. “This court sees it every single day. Your story will not become unique if you continue down this path, and it’s important you understand that.”

Defense lawyer James Guggisberg recalled having a hard time communicating with Manning amid the drug use in recent months, but a sobering stay in the Sarnia Jail has changed that.

“I’m very pleased to say that, in the last week, speaking to Kelsi and again finally this morning she seems like a clear, bright young lady and she’s very keen to be able to be a responsible parent,” he said Tuesday.

A key in the quick turnaround was her family opting not to bail her out as they had in the past for breach allegations, leading to a 47-day stay behind bars.

“And so she sat really for the first time in her life and had a very chilling experience about being in custody,” he said.

Manning used 30 days of her pre-sentence custody to fully serve her sentence for assault with a weapon, which took place on May 13 in her hometown.

Around noon that Friday, police received multiple calls claiming Manning was at the house of someone she was banned from contacting. A witness told police Manning showed up unannounced yelling for her belongings back.

A complainant, David Rancourt, tried to stop her from fleeing by standing behind the van.

“Ms. Manning attempted to reverse and stated, ‘Move over. I will run you over,’ before reversing into Mr. Rancourt’s leg,” assistant Crown attorney Lori MacIntosh said while reading an agreed statement of facts.

A male suspect switched places with Manning and allegedly hit Rancourt, who ended up on the hood but uninjured. The car revved, reversed and went up on a curb and struck a tree.

“During this time, Ms. Manning was yelling, ‘Go! Go! Hit him! Kill him,’” MacIntosh said.

Manning did not plead guilty to a charge of uttering a death threat but did receive another 15 days in jail for a court breach, along with a suspended sentence and 18 months of probation.

“Ms. Manning, I wish you well,” Leszczynski said.

[email protected]



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