Universal national service: mandatory SNU from 2024?

Universal national service mandatory SNU from 2024

The Universal National Service could soon be generalized to all young people in France during school time. This is what the Ministry of Education could gradually put in place from 2024.

According to a ministerial document, of which Franceinfo was aware, the Universal National Service (SNU) could be generalized for young people from September 2024. The Ministry of National Education is currently working on this issue. But for the time being, making it compulsory would not be the priority, said the Secretary of State to the UNS at France news. “Other hypotheses are being studied, such as an incentive SNU with in particular a driving license training offered for any SNU carried out”, report our colleagues. Regarding the generalization of the project, a first experiment could be carried out in 6 French departments before being extended to others, indicates the note of the ministry. The final decision rests with President Emmanuel Macron. For the moment, the Head of State has not yet spoken. As a reminder, in 2022, the universal national service mobilized 32,000 young volunteers.

A generalization of the Universal National Service on school time?

According to France Info, the generalization of the SNU which is favored by the Ministry of Education would take the form ofa compulsory cohesion stay of 12 days. The date, nor the place of assignment, cannot be chosen by the young people, except in exceptional cases. The stay should be made, as is the case today, in another department, but the novelty is that it will take place during school time.

What age is Universal National Service for?

Currently, the SNU takes the form of a one-month civic service between 15 and 17 years old at the time of the cohesion stay, and of a longer commitment, on a voluntary basis between 16 and 25 years old.

What are the dates of cohesion stays in 2023?

In 2023, cohesion stays will take place on different dates depending on the school zones:

  • 1st stay in zone A: from April 9 to 21, 2023
  • 1st stay in zone B: from April 16 to 28, 2023
  • 1st stay in zone C: from February 19 to March 3, 2023
  • 2nd stay all zones: from June 11 to 23, 2023
  • 3rd stay all zones: from July 4 to 16, 2023

Until now, the cohesion stay, organized in a department other than his own, lasts 2 weeks. with a well-defined program each day. The day begins with the raising of the French flag and the singing of the Marseillaise. Many ensued outdoor or indoor activities.

On the program: sports and physical and cultural activities, site visits, participatory projects, workshops and discussions, meetings with professionals. The objective is to discover many areas in order to make young people want to make things happen, in various areas (sustainable development, citizenship, defense and security, memory, culture and heritage). The cohesion stay ends with a closing ceremony, in the presence of the local authorities. The young volunteers are divided into households made up of a dozen people who are supervised by a tutor. They participate in community life, meals and household chores.

Is Universal National Service compulsory?

For the time being, the Universal National Service is not compulsory in France but it could be generalized in the future, from September 2024. It is a project of the Ministry of National Education. Waiting for, “the cohesion stay (phase 1) and the performance of a mission of general interest (phase 2) are intended to become compulsory for an entire age group. But in the meantime, these first two phases are carried out on a voluntary basis“, specify the government website.

► The first phase lasting 12 days from 15 years old. This year, the SNU is offering three cohesion stays for 15-17 year olds which are particularly suitable for high school students in 2nd class which is not an exam class.

► Then, young people can achieve, in the following year, their mission of general interest (MIG) lasting 12 days or 84 hours with associations, local authorities, institutions or public bodies, or even with corps in uniform. It must fall under one of the following 9 themes: citizenship, culture, defense and memory, education, environment and sustainable development, health, security, solidarity and sport.

► The second phase, lasting 3 to 12 months, is linked to culture, solidarity, citizenship, education, health, sport, international action, defence, security, etc. A commitment that gives rise to financial compensation for the young person: facilities access to the permit, university credits, possible compensation….

What is the duration of Universal National Service?

Until now, the civic service mission had to take place during at least 24 hours a week which was difficult to reconcile with higher education. From now on, she will “calculated on average over all the months of mission carried out (what) will allow a modulation of the hours worked per week, according to the schedule of the young volunteer“.

Universal national service: what remuneration?

There increase in the Civic Service allowance of 108 euros, initially planned for scholarship holders in levels 5, 6 or 7, will be extended to all scholarship holders. This amount is in addition to 580 euros per month collected by the volunteers.

What do we learn during universal national service?

The Universal National Service is aimed at young people aged 15 to 17 at the time of the cohesion stay.

First phaseSecond phase (depending on the chosen service)
Perform first aid actionsTo be involved in the army, the police, the gendarmerie, the fire brigade or civil security
To navigate with a compassTo engage in supporting people
To report a dangerous situation by radioTo engage in the preservation of heritage
To discover the different forms of commitmentTo engage in the protection of the environment
To participate in a collective project in connection with associations or communitiesTo engage in school tutoring

What are missions of general interest?

The mission of general interest (2nd phase) lasts at least 84 hours or 12 days in the year (outside school time). It allows young volunteers to engage and support a mission of general interest which is close to their heart among the following themes: environment and sustainable development, solidarity, sport, security, culture, health, education, defense and memory, and citizenship. On a one-off or regular basis, it is therefore possible to choose a structure to provide assistance, in particular from associations, approved social utility companies, or even public services and private health establishments. collective interests…
