Fragile people ordered to leave Ukrainian city

Fragile people ordered to leave Ukrainian city

Published: Just now

full screen Some residents of Kupjansk are ordered to leave due to the security situation. Archive image. Photo: Vadim Ghirda/AP/TT

Ukraine is ordering a mandatory evacuation for some residents of the frontline city of Kupyansk and neighboring areas as fears grow that Russia will regain control of the site.

“Mandatory evacuation of families with children and residents with limited mobility began in the Kupjansk community,” announces the military administration of the Kharkiv region.

“The decision was made . . . taking into account the precarious security situation due to constant shelling by Russian forces of the community area.”

In September, Ukraine regained control of parts of Kharkiv Oblast, including the city of Kupyansk. The city was occupied in the first Russian invasion wave just over a year ago.

Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Synegubov said on Thursday that Russia shelled several communities in the region, including Kupyansk.
