Pregnant, why is my belly bigger at night?

Pregnant why is my belly bigger at night

Pregnant, you notice that your belly is bigger in the evening and it bothers you? Do not panic, this phenomenon is completely normal. What causes it and how to fix it? Answers and advice from Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

Why do I have a bigger belly at night?

Pregnancy brings about a major hormonal upheaval. In particular, it increases the level of progesterone, which has the effect of slowing down transit and causing digestive discomfort such as bloating and constipation. The belly of the pregnant woman then appears hard and swollen but that should not worry future mothers. The volume of the uterus does not move between morning and evening. It increases steadily throughout the pregnancy, but it is the same size at 8 a.m. as at 8 p.m.

Three things will change:

  • The tone of the abdominal wall : ” at the end of the day, the abdominals relax. Depending on its size, the uterus will tilt forward more, which is what makes the belly look bigger”explains Odile Bagot.
  • the intestine : with digestion, we are generally more bloated in the evening than in the morning.
  • The camber : as muscle tone relaxes at the end of the day, we are more arched in the evening.

Why is my pregnancy belly flat in the morning?

“The stomach is naturally flatter in the morning because we are fasting, the volume of the intestine is therefore less important than in the evening. Another explanation: during the night, the body spontaneously regulates its temperature, oscillating between heating and cooling, which will lead to a decrease in the volume of water and therefore make the stomach flatter “, indicates the gynecologist. In other words, as long as having a hard or bloated stomach is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms such as pain or digestive discomfort, there is nothing to worry about.

When it comes to pregnancy belly, there is no such thing as normal! In some women, it comes out very quickly while in others, it is slow to appear, especially for the first baby. It depends on several factors, including the size of the uterus, the tone of the abdominal wall, digestion and the number of fetuses. Indeed, a twin pregnancy will necessarily result in a larger belly.

Why do I have one side of my stomach bigger than the other?

During pregnancy, there is a dextrorotation of the uterus, which is turned slightly to the right. This is the reason why the belly is usually bigger on the right side. Moreover, when a caesarean is necessary, the incision is made in the middle but when the uterus returns to its place, the “smile” is sometimes a little crooked. This also explains why we more often have pain in the kidney on the right. We also have more often compressions of the ureter which is more dilated on the right during pregnancy. And let’s not forget the fetus which, in the third trimester, can deform the belly depending on its position! “, argues our interlocutor.

Pregnant, should you eat less at night?

Whether you are pregnant or not, you always sleep better when you have eaten less in the evening because digestion disturbs sleep. “Eating less also helps prevent gastroesophageal reflux in the third trimester of pregnancy which occurs because the cardia is relaxed during pregnancy, which promotes acid reflux from the stomach, causing esophageal burns”, adds the specialist.

Thanks to Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, author of Endocrine Disruptors, war is declared! at Mango editions. Every week, she enriches her Mam Gyneco FB page with a new article or video.
