Tax, MEF certifies the Covid effect on businesses: 39% loss during the pandemic

MEF boom in tax breaks but low average benefit 125

(Finance) – During the pandemic 39% of corporations and others Ires subjects declared a tax loss. This is what has emerged from the publication of the statistics on the declarations IRES (Corporate Income Tax) e IRAP (Regional Tax on Productive Activities) relating to the 2020 tax year and presented during the years 2021 and 2022 by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Specifically, the data published by the MEF showed that 54% of subjects declared a business income relevant for tax purposes, 39% declared a loss and 7% closed the year in balance. The declared tax income, equal to 162.8 billion euros, underwent a reduction (-11.6%). Among the sectors that have recorded a greater contraction of income are: “activities of services of accommodation And catering” (-75%; it is in fact the sector most affected by the restrictions in the pandemic period), “transportation and storage” (-43%) and “activity financial” (-20%).

The amount of loss tax it was thus equal to 86.3 billion euro (+49%). The increase in losses particularly affected the “accommodation and catering” sector (the value tripled compared to 2019) and “transport and warehousing” (the value doubled compared to 2019). “These dynamics presumably reflect the effects of the crisis caused by Covid-19”, specifies the Ministry in the note that accompanied the data.

The number of subjects who filed the declaration Irap for the 2020 tax year, on the other hand, it amounted to 3,354,929 (-2.1% compared to 2019). There contraction it mainly involved natural persons (-4.5% compared to 2019) and partnerships (-3.7% compared to 2019). Subjects who declare a value of the production other than zero (net of deductions for labor costs) are 2,924,367 (-2.6% compared to 2019), for a total amount of approximately 345 billion euro (-17.7% compared to 2019).

The reduction concerned in particular i sectors: “accommodation and catering services activities (sector most affected by the restrictions due to the pandemic, which decreased from 12.3 billion to -1.2 billion euros), “transport and warehousing” (-50%), “financial assets and insurance” (-43%) and “manufacturing” (-18.5%).
