19 weeks of pregnancy (21 WA): how is baby growing?

19 weeks of pregnancy 21 WA how is baby growing

Can you feel baby moving at 19 weeks of pregnancy or 21 weeks? How does the fetus develop? Baby’s weight, symptoms, belly and movements… All the answers to your questions about this 19th week of pregnancy.

You are already at your fifth month of pregnancyduring which you will spend your 3rd prenatal examination. At 19 weeks of pregnancy or 21 WA, your belly continues to grow and you feel in great shape, although certain pregnancy ailments continue to be felt, in particular the feeling of heavy legs. Your baby alternates between sleeping and waking phases. It is more and more active in your belly, grabs his feet and his umbilical cord, sucks his thumb… But he also needs a lot of sleep to regain his strength. Baby’s movements, height and weight, symptoms, preparation for childbirth… Here is what awaits you during this 19th week of pregnancy.

How many months and SA at 19 weeks of pregnancy?

The 19th week of pregnancy corresponds to 21 weeks of amenorrhea or 21 SA. You are in your fifth month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 19 weeks of pregnancy or 21 SA?

You may be subject to a few small inconveniences, in particular the feeling of heavy legs, shortness of breath or more abundant vaginal discharge than usual. At 19 weeks of pregnancy, your uterus begins to push certain organs, such as the stomach, to the side. This move may cause some minor inconvenience, including heartburn or blood circulation problems. You are also always out of breath when you make certain important efforts. Don’t force it, take care of yourself!

White discharge at 19 weeks of pregnancy

At 19 weeks of pregnancy, you notice significant white losses ? Don’t worry, these vaginal secretions are completely normal. They are linked to increased blood circulation in the vagina. Be sure to wear loose-fitting cotton underwear and clothing. For the toilet, use a mild soap with a pH adapted to the intimate area. These vaginal discharges are mostly benign and temporary.

How is the belly at 19 weeks of pregnancy?

Your belly continues to grow as your pregnancy progresses. The uterus continues to grow to make room for the baby, who now has the size of a large tomato.

What weight at 19 weeks pregnant?

The recommended weight gain at 19 weeks of pregnancy is included between 4 and 5 kg. In general, you should not exceed 6 kg at the end of the 5th month of pregnancy.

When to do the morphological ultrasound?

The second so-called “morphological” ultrasound is to be performed from 22 SA (i.e. 20 weeks of pregnancy), more or less a week, to detect any morphological abnormalities. It also confirms the baby’s sex, since the doctor will examine all the organs, as well as the head and its limbs.

Can you have contractions at 19 weeks pregnant?

The muscles in your uterus may contract, causing your abdomen to harden for a few seconds. These contractions are not labor contractions and are normally without effect on the cervix. However, they can be a sign that it is time to slow down. Relax and give yourself a break when you feel your belly pulling too much. If these contractions get closer and become painful, see a doctor to assess the situation.

I can’t feel the baby moving, is this normal?

At this stage of pregnancy, your baby sleeps a lot. It is therefore not abnormal that you didn’t feel it move constantly. Its movements are nevertheless a good indicator of its vitality and also make it possible to detect a possible problem. If baby is particularly calm when he usually dances actively in your belly, and you haven’t felt it for a while, it’s better to consult to feel more reassured.

How the fetus develops at 19 weeks of pregnancy ?

  • At this stage of pregnancy, the first white blood cells appear. These blood cells are important because they help build your baby’s immune system.
  • Her spine is now straight and straight.
  • baby moves more and more, but still continues to sleep a lot

What is the baby’s height and weight at 19 weeks pregnant?

Baby’s growth is very fast (in one week, he gained almost half his weight more, going from 250 g to 350 g !) and he needs to regain his strength to continue at this rate.

Childbirth preparation sessions

In this 19th week of pregnancyyou may have already started the sessions of childbirth preparation. If this is not the case, do not delay to inquire and make up your mind. let’s remember that eight childbirth preparation sessions are 100% reimbursed by social security, provided of course that they are offered by qualified people. Know that you have the choice between many methods: classic preparation for motherhood, prenatal singing, prenatal yoga, haptonomy… If you don’t know which one to choose, find out and trust your intuition!

Preparing the baby’s room

In a few weeks, your baby will be here… It may be time to organize his little cocoon. Also keep in mind that, within a few weeks, your belly will be so round that you won’t be able to move around as you want. Enjoy your fifth month of pregnancy, where you are in great shape, to go shopping and do small decoration work. On the other hand, for the biggest jobs (painting, assembly of large furniture, etc.), hand over to dad!
