worried presidential candidates

worried presidential candidates

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The Minister of Health Olivier Véran presented this Thursday, November 25 the new health measures intended to counter the 5th wave of Covid in France. The epidemic is starting again very strongly and the prospect of even greater constraints is starting to worry some presidential candidates, especially on the left.

However, the government wanted to be reassuring: meetings and other public political activities will not necessarily be subject to the health pass. Such a measure would have been illegal anyway, did not fail to remind Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The rebellious candidate maintains the pressure for the rest of the campaign.

I want to warn the sorcerer’s apprentices. The decisions taken in the secrecy of the Defense Council, the movements of the chin, the authority, all that… We should not believe that we would be disposed to accept that the presidential election does not take place under normal conditions of democracy », He believes.

The National Assembly on the sidelines

In the viewfinder of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, there is the extension until July 2022 of the possibility for the government to relaunch the state of health emergency, making possible more severe restrictions.

A fear shared by the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo. ” I am very worried about the way in which the government has moved away from any possibility of discussion in the place where it will be necessary to discuss, namely in Parliament, in the National Assembly », She judges.

Like the Socialist, most of the candidates, from Arnaud Montebourg to Marine Le Pen via the Republicans, however claim their status as good students by asking for the health pass during their public meetings. This is not the case for environmentalists and especially Jean-Luc Mélenchon, part of the electorate remains reluctant to health control measures.

►Also read: Fifth wave of Covid-19 in France: the latest measures to avoid congestion in hospitals

