Bac specialty tests: dates, times by subject

Bac specialty tests dates times by subject

From March 20 to 22, high school students who pass the baccalaureate will work on their specialty tests. What are the timetables for the different subjects? Here is the official calendar of specialties for the baccalaureate.

The trials of baccalaureate 2023 begin in March with the specialty lessons. This year, candidates for the baccalaureate will have to pass their Specialty written tests from Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 March. In total, students have two specialties to pass. All will have two subjects on which they will have to work, for three or four hours depending on the subject. Choice of specialties, schedules, course of the exam… Here is all the useful information to know about the baccalaureate specialty exams.

What is a specialty education?

In the general and technological track, high school students are invited to choose, from the second class, three specialty courses according to their tastes and motivations, also according to the orientation project in higher education. They have been put in place to allow students to discover new horizons in order to see what they like and help them to better orient themselves after the baccalaureate. The three specialties are thus studied in first class, but only two specialties (of your choice) are retained in terminale, for the baccalaureate exams.

What are the dates of the 2023 baccalaureate specialty exams?

The examinations for the baccalaureate specialty courses are set for Monday March 20, Tuesday March 21 and Wednesday March 22, whether for the general or technological sector. Here, in detail, the schedules of the specialty tests:

Monday March 20

2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

– History-geography, geopolitics and political science
– Humanities, literature and philosophy
– Math
– Economic and social sciences
– Engineering Sciences

2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

– Chemical Physics
– Numerical and computer sciences
– Life and earth sciences
– Physical education, sports practices and culture
– arts

Tuesday, March 21

2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

History-geography, geopolitics and political science
– Humanities, literature and philosophy
– Math
– Economic and social sciences
– Engineering Sciences

2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

– Chemical Physics
– Numerical and computer sciences
– Life and earth sciences
– Physical education, sports practices and culture
– Foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures

Wednesday March 22

2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

– Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity

2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

– Biology-ecology

Each candidate has chosen two specialty courses which are the subject of one test per day. The high school student is therefore convened over two days (one day per test) to work on a written subject. “The subjects conform to the limiting program of each discipline and to the expectations of the final year class“explains the ministry.

What are the 12 specialties of the general baccalaureate?

  • Arts: Circus arts, Visual arts, Cinema-audiovisual, Dance, History of the arts, Music, Theater
  • History-geography, geopolitics, political science: in the first year, students study democracy, the international power of States, political borders, information issues and religious facts in their relationship with power.
  • Humanity, literature, philosophy: Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity, Foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures. High school students study: The powers of speech” from Antiquity to the Classical Age, “The representations of the world” to the Renaissance, the Classical Age and the Enlightenment period.
  • Languages, Literatures and Foreign Cultures: high school students, in case of first can follow a specialty course “Languages, Literature and Foreign and Regional Cultures (LLCER)” in English, contemporary world English, German, Spanish, Italian and in the regional language Basque, Breton, Catalan, Corsican, Occitan – langue d’oc, tahitian or creole.
  • Literature, Languages ​​and Cultures of Antiquity : this specialty teaching is common to the Latin and Greek programs, with a strong literary character.
  • Math : Algebra and geometry, Analysis, Probabilities, Algorithms and programming. This program makes it possible to deepen the concepts approached in 2nd, introduces new concepts and develops the taste of mathematics.
  • Numerical and computer science : this specialized teaching enables students to acquire the concepts and methods that are the basis of computer science, in its scientific and technical dimensions.
  • Life and earth sciences : students study scientific culture from the fundamental concepts of biology and geology. The program addresses three major themes: the Earth, life and the evolution of living organisms; the contemporary challenges of the planet, in particular those of the environment, sustainable development, management of resources and risks; the human body and health.
  • Engineering Sciences : high school students focus on the study of artificial objects and systems in order to acquire the skills necessary to innovate and materialize solutions to certain types of problems.
  • Economics and social sciences: this teaching is the continuity of the second program. Students therefore continue to learn about the economic, social and political issues of contemporary societies.
  • Chemical Physics : 4 themes are covered, including “Constitution and transformations of matter”, “Movement and interactions”, “Energy: conversions and transfers”, “Waves and signals”.
  • Physical Education, Sports Practices and Culture: The students do not just play sports since other disciplinary fields are integrated (sciences, humanities, etc.) with, in particular, a theoretical aspect allowing them to also learn about health and well-being professions.
  • In agricultural high schools only, teaching “ecology biology” is also offered.

What are the specialties for the technological baccalaureate?



  • Biochemistry-biology- biotechnology


  • Conception and creation in design and crafts



  • law and economics


  • Scientific education in food and environment (ESAE)
  • Economy – hotel management


  • Convenient

The students make their selection according to their appetite for the specialties offered, but also according to their degree of motivation. Similarly, the knowledge that the student wishes to deepen and his orientation project in higher education will guide him in his choice. Finally, of course, getting information beforehand and discussing it with their main teacher will allow them to make more informed choices. Also practical, Onisep has developed an application called for second graders. These latter can “to test the combinations of specialist teaching and the fields of training and professions on which these teachings can lead”, assures the Ministry of Education on its website. Finally, be aware that the choice of a specialty does not in any way prevent access to training: specialties are used to experiment above all with what he likes or not.
