MMORPG player says he was offered €250,000 for a hero he’s been playing for 16 years

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Twitch streamer Bobeek loves the German MMORPG Tibia, which was created in Regensburg in 1997 and is still being played today. In a recent stream, the Pole says he was offered €250,000 for his hero, who he’s been playing since 2007.

Who is this?

  • Bobeek has been on Twitch since 2014. The Pole only plays the German MMORPG Tibia. He shows about 950 hours a year – on average 360 ​​people watch him.
  • You’d think that would make him the biggest Twitch streamer on Tibia, but he doesn’t stand a chance. Above all, Portuguese-language streamers dominate the MMORPG from Regensburg on Twitch: Especially in South America, some finance their livelihood with Tibia and even bring a family through with it.
  • Still, Bobeek is something special because he has one of the strongest characters in Tibia worldwide.
  • This is what the streamer says now: As the Polish site reports, Bobeek has received an offer for his character for $250,000, more than a million złoty (via youtube).

    German MMORPG is booming: “In the beginning we were laughed at”

    Only his in-game wife has an even stronger hero

    What character is someone paying so much money for? The character has reached level 2,277, making it the second most powerful hero in Tibia. According to statistics, the hero, an “Elder Druid”, was created on March 20, 2007. So it’s 16 years old.

    Bobeek has also reached a number of milestones. He was the first hero to reach level 1,400 in Tibia in 2019.

    Even more powerful than Bobeek is only the sorceress Goraca with level 2,287. She is married to Boobek in the game, they have been playing together for a long time (via youtube).

    “If a chauffeur comes by with a suitcase of money…”

    Is he selling his character? No. The streamer said he turned down the offer, partly because he didn’t want to bother to find out if the offer was even legit or if a troll was behind it.

    You know, I declined the offer for one simple reason: I don’t feel like analyzing if it’s a troll. I’m not interested in selling either. You know, if a chauffeur came, shit, or a, I don’t know, Pope and brought me a suitcase full of dollars, I might have changed my mind. But even that doesn’t change the fact that I’m not interested in selling.

    In the chat, a fan advised him to accept the offer and buy a hero around level 1,500 “cheaply”, maybe for €15,000. He would then have a profit of €235,000 and could still just keep playing.

    But apparently Bobeek remains true to his main.

    Would you be willing to sell 16 years of your life for €250,000?

    Chinese invests €1.3 million in MMORPG character – friend sells him for €500
