In the spotlight: soaring consumer prices…

In the spotlight soaring consumer prices…

The Parisian did the accounts: sugar, butter, bananas, ham, eggs… According to the report established by the newspaper, the same basket of 31 consumer products soared by 15% in one year. An overheating at the checkout which forces the French to sacrifice while prices will continue to soar on the shelves at least until the summer. (…) For many months, further notes Le Parisien, soaring prices are at the heart of French conversations. Three-quarters claim to have changed their food purchases. Expenses are even down. Unheard of since the 1960s. (…) For the consumer, shopping is therefore more than ever an ordeal. It requires organization, imagination and anticipation. Condition sine qua none if you don’t want to blow up the note. »

Time bomb for Macron?

Inflation: prices are soaring, the President is freaking out exclaims Release. “ Faced with very high inflation for a year, Emmanuel Macron has multiplied proactive statements, see the newspaper. A way of channeling the discontent of households, nine days before the next mobilization against the pension reform. »

But be careful, warn Release : “ Emmanuel Macron would be wrong to believe that his pension reform project will end up being voted on, that popular anger will subside for lack of fighters and that life will resume its normal course. The anger of not having been listened to or even heard is in danger of becoming encysted, and sooner or later it will take nothing, or almost nothing, for it to explode again. ” Because “ inflation keeps making the household basket more expensive, point again Liberation, and these not only see themselves summoned to work longer but lose purchasing power day after day. ” Certainly, ” for once, Emmanuel Macron is well aware of the problem, recognizes the log: he has drawn a tariff shield for gas and oil prices and is trying to encourage distributors to reduce their margins, at least for basic products. But if the month of March really turns ‘red’ as some predict, the feeling will set in of a two-speed France, with on the one hand those who take advantage of the crisis by generating superprofits without being put to contribution – or at the margin – and on the other hand households, always the same, toasting. »

Food aid explodes

Precisely, those who clink glasses are more and more numerous… This is what The world. “ The number of people benefiting from food aid has tripled in ten years, with a 10% increase last year, in 2022, reveals a study of Food Banks that the daily publishes in preview. »

The world who went to investigate in Grenoble, at the Café Nicodème which “ is one of some 6,000 associations, municipal social action centers and solidarity grocery stores that obtain their supplies from food banks. These structures, which offer free or low-cost food, welcomed 2.4 million people last year. “A record.

Palmade affair: a “form of indecency”?

Finally, reading this analysis of Free Charente on the Pierre Palmade affair, this comedian, responsible, under the influence of drugs, of a serious road accident which left several seriously injured… A real soap opera: victim of a stroke this Saturday at the end of the day -noon, Pierre Palmade is awaiting the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal, which must rule on Monday on a possible detention.

While more than 20,000 articles have been written, the news channels are streaming on the subject, there is a form of indecency around this story, estimated The Free Charente. Admittedly, by the notoriety of its author, by the scale of the drama and its developments, the Palmade affair justifies a singular treatment. But it remains only a news item. The political authorities did not wait for this tragedy to discover the danger of drugs while driving, any more than they were unaware of the health problem of addictions or that of child pornography networks (…). The Palmade affair is above all an irreparable tragedy for the victims and their families. She should command respect, concludes La Charente Libre, so that justice can normally be exercised. »
