The costs of hired healthcare staff are increasing

The costs of hired healthcare staff are increasing

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen The regions’ costs for hired healthcare personnel increased in 2022 compared to the year before, according to a survey made by SR Ekot. Archive image. Photo: Simon Rehnström/SvD/TT

The costs for hired nurses and doctors in Sweden’s regions increased by SEK 1.6 billion last year compared to 2021. This is shown by a survey carried out by Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

Ekot has asked and received answers from all regions about the cost development for hired healthcare personnel in 2022. For temporary nurses, costs increased in total from SEK 2.4 billion to SEK 3.4 billion and for hired doctors from SEK 3.7 to 4.3 billion.

On average, the cost of nurses increased by 42 percent. In the regions Blekinge, Gotland, Jämtland/Härjedalen, Norrbotten, Västmanland and Jönköping, costs were twice as high as the year before.
