The animals live without contact with humans – visit the infection-proof chicken farm

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Due to population growth, some scientists are talking about us entering an era of pandemics. There are many reasons for the increased exposure. When previously untouched forests are exploited, we come into contact with new microorganisms. Large-scale animal husbandry means that diseases are easily spread among the animals and then on to humans.

Computer controlled feeding

In Thailand, they have invested in a radical solution to stop disease outbreaks. Animals raised are kept completely separated from humans and the surrounding environment.

The team behind the documentary are the first outside visitors to one of Thailand’s largest chicken producers. In the sealed facility, 400,000 chickens are kept completely separate from other animals to avoid exposure to new viruses. The feeding is computer-controlled and after a generation of chickens has been sent to slaughter, the room is sanitized for 17 days, before new ones are admitted.

Visitors are sanitized

Since even humans can spread infections to the animals, every visitor must go through a decontamination procedure before entering. Watch as the documentary team behind the World of Science – How the next pandemic occurs visits the bio-safe chicken farm in the clip above.

Watch the entire World of Science – How the next pandemic occurs on Monday, February 27 at 8:00 p.m. or on SVT Play.
