Vaccination pass: what changes from February 15

Vaccination pass what changes from February 15

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    To maintain the validity of his vaccination pass, it will be necessary to do a booster dose within 4 months after the end of the complete vaccination schedule. Here is what changes from this Tuesday, February 15.

    As of today, several things are changing regarding the vaccination pass. To maintain its validity, people over the age of 18 and one month must do a booster dose as early as 3 months after the end of the initial vaccination schedule and within a maximum of 4 months, indicates the official website of the Government who cites examples:

    • “If I received 2 doses, I must do the booster no later than 4 months after the second injection”;
    • “If I had Covid and then had a dose of vaccine, I must do the booster no later than 4 months after the injection”;
    • “If I have a dose, and I had Covid more than 15 days after the injection, I must do my booster no later than 4 months after the infection, which represents the duration of the recovery certificate” ;
    • “If I had Covid-19 and then received a dose of Janssen after my infection, I must do my booster no later than 2 months after my injection”.

    Note that 12-15 year olds are not subject to the vaccination pass and 16-17 year olds are not obliged to do the booster even if it is “strongly recommended” by the government.

    Consult a GP online

    One infection equals one injection

    A person tested positive more than 3 months after their initial vaccination schedule, single dose or two doses, does not need a booster. An infection is equivalent to an injection.

    It is thus possible to benefit from a certificate of recovery of unlimited duration to extend the validity of the vaccination pass. Be careful, you still have to do your booster dose from 3 months after the infection in order to have a valid vaccination certificate for travel.

    Get your recovery certificate

    Recovery and positive test results can be retrieved on the SI-DEP platform, from a medical biology laboratory, or from a health professional authorized to perform tests.

    Two scenarios are possible:

    • I am not vaccinated or not completely, I have a certificate of recovery for 4 months.
    • I have a complete initial vaccination schedule, single dose or two doses, I benefit from a certificate of recovery for an unlimited period.

    To do this, you must update the TousAntiCovid application and import the recovery certificate and the last vaccination certificate into the Pass+ tab of the application. For tests carried out after February 15, the health professional or the laboratory in charge of screening may do the manipulation.
