Pensions: has the National Rally scored points?

Pensions has the National Rally scored points

Was the National Rally’s strategy in the battle for pensions effective? The RN group in the Assembly is firmly opposed to the reform and yet we heard relatively little from Marine Le Pen’s deputies in the hemicycle during the fifteen days of debate. They only tabled two hundred amendments when the Insoumis drafted thousands. The National Rally is serious and discreet, but has it scored any points?

Marine Le Pen cannot boast of having won victories in the hemicycle. None of the 200 amendments defended by the RN was adopted. The spontaneous motion of censure tabled by Marine Le Pen and her 87 deputies, at the end of the discussions, attracted only one voice outside the group, that of the sovereignist free electron Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. So no short-term success. But this is not a surprise: all the groups, except the LRs, refuse to vote on their texts. By principle. Even if, on the merits, they agree with what is proposed.

The RN wants to capitalize on the posture of its opponents

One of Marine Le Pen’s strategists sums it up like this: “The question is not to know who wins but who will be the receptacle of the anger that this reform arouses. » The National Rally actually wants to install the idea that it is the only credible opposition party to the policy led by Emmanuel Macron. In fact, the RN deputies multiplied the calls for calm during the debates, even placing themselves on the side of the government when it came to denouncing the obstruction of the Nupes. Because Marine Le Pen knows it, if she wants to win in 2027, she will have to seek votes on the left.

The seriousness of RN deputies is even noticed or rather feared even in the majority. There are more and more of them, in the presidential camp, to sound the alarm: “You have to be careful, the RN is working”worries a minister. “They are discreet but they collect points”, adds a Renaissance deputy. And it is preciselyhave the goal. ” We want to be seen as people ready to govern and it’s painstaking work, ”recognizes one of the vice-presidents of the National Rally.

Marine Le Pen best opponent of reform according to a poll

In the absence of an election, the only instrument at our disposal to judge are the polls, even if they must be taken with great caution. In a study by Ifop, for example, for the Sunday newspaper last weekend, we learned that Marine Le Pen would be the personality who would best embody the opposition to the pension reform in the eyes of the French: 46% positive opinion, ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (43%) and above all in front of union leaders. Survey widely relayed, of course, by the elected representatives of the National Rally. They all share the same objective, make no mistake about it: to hoist Marine Le Pen to the rank of opponent number 1 for the next presidential election.
