Sci-Fi hype is finally coming to Amazon as a series and turning the world upside down in the trailer

Sci Fi hype is finally coming to Amazon as a series

Last year, Amazon Prime was able to land a series hit in the sci-fi/mystery area with Peripherals. While the dystopian tale starring Chloë Grace Moretz will continue as part of a second season, the streaming service is making its debut next promising project before: The gift.

Sci-Fi bestseller as an Amazon series: In The Gift, young women change the world with electric shocks

The gift is based on the novel of the same name by Naomi Alderman, which hit the bestseller lists in 2016 and is originally titled The Power. The story tells of young women who power structure of the world change: You gain supernatural powers that no one can explain.

Through their minds they can emit surges of electricity and thus hurt, if not kill, people around them. The eponymous gift empowers, but also instills fear and dread. The further it spreads, the more it becomes clear: the world will never be the same again. Every new day brings more change.

You can watch the trailer for The Power here:

The Power – S01 Trailer (English) HD

Following the success of her novel, Alderman has teamed up with Raelle Tucker and Sarah Quintrell to tell her story in the form of moving images to tell. The production company Sister Pictures already secured the rights to the book template in 2016. In 2019, Amazon Prime joined the project, led by actress Toni Collette, as a streaming platform.

When does The Gabe start on Amazon Prime?

Season 1 of The Gift begins on March 31, 2023 on Amazon Prime. There are three episodes to start with. The remaining six episodes of season 1 will then be released on a weekly basis every Friday, so we will see the finale on May 12, 2023. When, how and if the series will continue afterwards is not yet certain.

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