What is good for sore throat? How to get rid of dry throat and difficulty in swallowing?

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Dry throat can sometimes be defined as a discomfort that causes coughing fits, tickles the throat and gives a feeling of dryness. Although it is seen as a simple health problem, the living person experiences a decrease in their quality of life. People with dry throat and nasal passages face difficulties especially during sleep. In order to produce solutions that will be good for throat dryness, you can produce herbal solutions at home on your own, or you should get support from a specialist.

What causes dry throat?

There are many factors that can cause the problem of dry throat and the difficulty in swallowing that comes with it. These factors vary depending on when the discomfort is felt and how much it is felt. For example, a dry throat that you will feel when you wake up in the morning is generally related to breathing with your mouth open. Dry phlegm in the throat can also give a feeling of dryness in the throat.

Sleeping position and sleeping style or nasal congestion also make breathing difficult. This makes it necessary to breathe through the mouth. You can easily get rid of this problem by drinking a few sips of water after waking up from sleep. Of course, the solution to every dry throat problem is not that easy. Allergies, colds and inadequately functioning salivary glands are among the serious problems that cause throat dryness. Allergy-related dryness such as mite allergy and pollen allergy can also occur. There may also be a runny nose in dryness caused by allergies and colds.

What is good for sore throat and difficulty in swallowing?

Although dryness of the throat is not taken into account until it reaches advanced levels, the main reason is the inadequacy of the salivary glands. Saliva has a task in the body, which is to destroy the remnants of the food in the mouth and contribute to oral health. As a result of insufficient saliva secretion, it causes tooth decay in advanced stages, and tooth loss is also observed in the last stage. Dry throat is a problem that should not be underestimated. Increasing the water consumption can eliminate the difficulty of swallowing as it will ensure the humidification of the environment. Hot drinks such as herbal teas and soup, especially water, moisturize the throat and can help relieve dryness. However, if you have a dry throat and difficulty swallowing, you should definitely see a doctor.

What is good for sore throat?

In the initial stages of mild dryness, it will be sufficient to increase water consumption, relax the throat, and moisten the environment. The most common cause of dry throat discomfort is dehydration of the throat area. You can moisten your throat with hot drinks such as soups and fruit teas, and increasing water consumption.

To rest the throat, not talking too much and swallowing gently will not tire the throat muscles and even allow them to rest. If throat dryness is in its initial stages and is mild, home remedies may be sufficient. It is absolutely necessary to seek help from a specialist for dry throat that occurs due to cold and allergic reasons and does not go away for a week. In diseases caused by the common cold, dry throat and phlegm are seen together. Nasal discharge causes this ailment. “How is a dry throat?” Mild sore throat can be alleviated with home-made and easy-to-make recipes:

  • Salep, linden, salt water gargle and water with honey and lemon are good for this dryness.
  • Hot beverages such as herbal teas are helpful in reducing dryness as they provide the desired humidity and warmth in the throat.
  • It has the same function as linden and salep in hot drinks made with fruit teas.

Ginger is among the things that are good for throat dryness. Thanks to gingerol in ginger content, it stimulates the salivary glands and relieves throat dryness. You need to add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger to 1 glass of boiled water and let it rest for 15 minutes. The rested ginger is ready to drink. Ginger juice is even more effective if sips are taken by rinsing the mouth. You can drink 2 glasses of ginger juice a day until the dryness of the throat is relieved.

Chamomile tea, which is a natural product, is among the things that are good for throat dryness. Thanks to chamomile, moistening of the mouth and regulating the pH balance of saliva are provided. In this way, the dryness in the throat returns to its former state thanks to the moistening of all cells. For chamomile tea, 1 glass of water and a teaspoon of chamomile are sufficient. After boiling the water, it is necessary to put the chamomile in it and brew it. You can get rid of the dryness of the throat by consuming up to 3 glasses a day.

What is good for sore throat at night?

Dry throat at night can also harm sleep patterns, so there are methods that you can apply at home during the day, especially in the evening and before going to bed. Herbal teas can be tried to moisten and soften the throat. Drinking linden, jasmine tea, sage, chamomile tea is good for throat dryness. If the discomfort is minor, you can try these methods in order to get rid of the problems of dry throat and breathing problems during sleep. However, if the discomfort is at an advanced stage and seriously affects your sleep quality, you should seek help from a specialist.

What is good for allergic throat dryness?

Seasonal allergies, allergic rhinitis or hay fever start to become very effective with Spring. Although anti-allergic drugs sold in pharmacies can help alleviate this condition, these drugs must be taken with a prescription. If your allergy is mild and your doctor has approved, you can protect yourself from these symptoms with many plants in your home.

These allergic symptoms, which can often be confused with the common cold, are the result of the immune system’s defenses while fighting allergens. The most common pollen of ash, birch, maple and oak trees in spring, as well as pollen of other plants, hairs of pets and dust formed the basis of this allergy.

Itching of the throat, dry cough, dry throat and phlegm, recurrent sneezing are typical symptoms of this ailment. Even in some allergic conditions, headache, insomnia, irritability and decreased appetite are also seen. It is possible to overcome the troublesome processes of the allergy season with teas obtained from some plants. However, if this process is prolonged and the problems do not decrease, help from a specialist should be sought. Plants that are good for allergic throat dryness can be listed as follows:

  • Rooibos red tea
  • Ginger tea
  • Mint tea
  • Melissa tea
  • licorice tea
  • Green tea
  • turmeric tea
