18 weeks of pregnancy (20 WA): the beginning of the 5th month

18 weeks of pregnancy 20 WA the beginning of the

At 18 weeks of pregnancy or 20 SA, it is already the beginning of your 5th month of pregnancy. At this stage, baby is moving more and more and you may feel pain in the lower abdomen. Nothing more normal. Symptoms, belly, fetal development and baby size… Here’s what to expect during this 18th week of pregnancy.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, you are already starting your fifth month of pregnancy! You feel beautiful and in great shape, your belly is enhanced and your baby is increasingly toned and active. You may start to feel a few movements and kicks, much to your delight. In terms of symptoms, it is not uncommon to feel some lower abdominal pain. Remember to make an appointment for your future ultrasound which will take place between 20 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, as well as your 2nd prenatal examination. Finally, during this 5th month of pregnancy, check with your complementary health insurance to find out about coverage during your maternity stay.

How many months and SA at 18 weeks pregnant ?

You start your 18th week of pregnancy (or 20th week of amenorrhea) and start at the same time your fifth month of pregnancy. You are also in your second trimester of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

Overall, it is pain in the lower abdomen that tickles pregnant women in the 5th month of pregnancy. Fatigue is always present, and you may feel out of breath with the slightest exertion. Feel free to do some exercise like swimming or prenatal yoga to feel more fit. Urination, cramps and heavy legs are also common symptoms at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Shortness of breath and fatigue

As your uterus takes up more and more space, you may quickly begin to be breathless at the slightest effort. Rest assured, this phenomenon is completely normal and temporary.

Sexuality and libido in the 5th month of pregnancy

Finally, let us recall that during the pregnancy, your libido is jagged. This start of fifth month should be ideal for reconnecting with desire. After the first, often psychologically and physically trying months, you feel better about yourself. Some women even admit that at this stage of their pregnancy, their desire to make love is increased tenfold. If this is your case, there is no reason to put aside your sexuality during pregnancy.

Lower abdominal pain

THE abdominal pain are common during pregnancy. Some causes are benign, stretching of the ligaments, growth of the uterus, hormonal upheavals, others like are more serious. It is therefore important not to neglect them and to discuss them with your doctor if they persist. Moreover, as your baby and therefore your uterus grow, the pelvic ligaments stretch and become thinner. These changes can cause hip, groin and back pain.

How is the belly at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

Your uterus is getting bigger day by day and your belly is more and more visible. It is now impossible to hide your pregnancy! Keep in mind, however, that each woman “carries” her baby differently and thatat the same stage of pregnancy, two friends will not have the same belly size.

How many pounds to gain during the 5th month of pregnancy?

From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended not to gain more than 1.5 kg per month. It is important to continue to watch your diet and not to snack too much during the day in order to avoid gaining too much weight. Also be sure to maintain your form by moving regularly or by doing a sport suitable for pregnancy such as prenatal yoga, swimming, or walking.

When should you do your 2nd pregnancy ultrasound?

In this beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy, it’s time to think about your second pregnancy ultrasound. You will finally know (if you wish) the your baby’s sex. If you haven’t made an appointment yet, call right away: this ultrasound is usually done at 20 weeks pregnantor 22 weeks of amenorrhea.

It is called morphological ultrasound, because it aims to examine each part of your child’s anatomy to check that everything is fine. It also allows you to check the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and to reveal the sex of the baby.

What follow-up in case of twin pregnancy?

Your babies’ growth is carefully monitored during the monthly ultrasound and examination. If your twin pregnancy is monochorionic monoamniotic, meaning your twins share a placenta and an amniotic sac, the follow-up of your pregnancy will be even more stringent. You will be cared for in a level three maternity ward and will benefit from obstetrical monitoring twice a month and then once a week at the end of your pregnancy.

How does the fetus develop at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Your baby’s nerve cells continue to multiply at breakneck speed and all his senses are in action.
  • He is now able to distinguish different tastes, such as bitter, sweet, salty, sour.
  • He also reacts more and more to the outside world: he likes when you make him listen to music, when you, or his dad, talk to him very softly, when you caress your belly. Take advantage of it, these are very strong and very pleasant moments for all of you.
  • He starts kicking

How tall is baby at 18 weeks pregnant?

There your baby’s growth continues at a very rapid pace. In this beginning of fifth month of pregnancyit now weighs approximately 250 g for almost 20 cm.

How do you feel baby moving at 18 weeks pregnant?

Baby is getting more and more “muscular” and now you can feel kicks strong enough. In the middle of the night, it can even wake you up. If you’re lucky, you may even start feel his position changes. Remember, however, that some babies move more than others in their mother’s womb. Don’t compare yourself to other pregnant girlfriends! On the other hand, if you feel baby move regularly and do not feel it for a long time, go to the maternity ward to make sure that everything is fine. No one will blame you for worrying.
