Elisabeth Borne announces a 100 billion euro rail plan by 2040

the government reprimands the strikers the SNCF apologizes

In France, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne presented this Friday her plan for the future of 100 billion euros for transport. One of the main stated objectives is to support the ecological transition, the decarbonization of mobility.

The objective of this plan is to offer more trains, better punctuality and shorter journey times to make rail a credible alternative to the car. With these 100 billion euros, Elisabeth Borne meets the expectations of the CEO of the SNCF, except that Jean-Pierre Farandou bet on an expenditure over 15 years.

Between now and the end of the five-year term, an additional one billion euros per year will be invested for the regeneration of the existing network and 500 million euros per year for its modernization. As for the development of the network, Élisabeh Borne confirms the creation of metropolitan RER networkstrains connecting suburbs and city centers, and advocates the revival of small lines.

The financing of these infrastructures will not fall entirely on the shoulders of the State. The government intends to share the burden between all stakeholders, including local authorities.

Elisabeth Borne also wishes involve the sectors that emit the most greenhouse gases, such as the airline industry, and those that generate significant profits, such as motorway companies “.

Discussions will be launched in March with the regions and other partners to define a precise investment plan by June.
