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Kristersson: My thoughts are with Löfving’s relatives

today at 14.06 Emil Forsberg

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson sends a greeting to police chief Mats Löfving’s relatives during the hearing in the Riksdag.

– It is with great sadness that I received the news of Mats Löfving’s death. My thoughts are with his relatives, he says.

Latest news

  • Snorkel mask recalled

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    “Lack of ventilation in a snorkel mask can cause symptoms such as dizziness and unconsciousness with suffocation or drowning risk as a result,” writes the Swedish Consumer Agency.

    The affected Scuba Gear snorkel mask has the following part numbers: 786855, 786856, 786857, 786858, 786859, 786860, 854307, 854308, 854309 and 8543.

  • IT problems in the system company’s stores

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  • Electric car developer Nevs notifies 300 employees

    Electric car developer Nevs notifies 300 of 350 employees of layoffs, reports TTELA. The staff was informed around 12 o’clock on Thursday.

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  • Three arrested after shooting at police in Northern Ireland

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    – Our primary focus is on violent republican dissidents and within that there is a primary focus on the New IRA, police officer Mark McEwan told BBC Radio Ulster.

    The New Irish Republican Army was formed in 2012, when several groups opposed to the 1998 peace agreement merged. Since then, the New IRA is believed to have been behind several attacks. It is unclear whether the arrested men can be linked to the group, writes TT.

    The policeman is being treated in hospital. His condition is critical, according to The Guardian.

  • Hundreds of thousands of vaccine doses are given away

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    In total, Sweden has donated 14 million vaccine doses.

    – Our support for Covax saves lives and creates conditions for good health in more countries. Thanks to Sweden’s donation, residents of low- and middle-income countries can be given top-up doses of the same type of vaccine that is part of the ongoing Swedish vaccination campaigns, says Minister for Aid and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell.

  • The family’s words after the avalanche accident

    Yesterday, a soldier from Norrland’s dragoon regiment K4 died in an avalanche accident on Kebnekaise.

    The family asked for a message to be read at the press conference.

    “There are no words. Heart breaks. We are thinking of our son, brother and everyone who had the honor of knowing him. There is no one like him. He lived an intense life, and had so many adventures.”

    – Our thoughts, and all our work, is to support relatives and our employees, says Morgan Gustafsson, who leads the crisis support work at regiment K 4.

    Several independent investigations have started.

    The exercise will continue, but is adapted to the accident.

  • Details: Canceled “Paradise hotel” season airs

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  • Ivo criticizes coffee bread ban

    A group home in the municipality of Vännäs has decided on a general ban on coffee bread and sweets on weekdays, which the Inspectorate for Care and Care, Ivo, is now criticizing. This is reported by Nyhetsbyrån Sirén.

    The criticism comes after a national inspection of selected LSS residences, the news agency states.

    Ivo believes that the group accommodation does not support the ban and that they have to build diet plans on individual tests and medical reasons. Criticism is also directed at offensive expressions in the documentation.

    The social committee responsible for the group accommodation has admitted shortcomings in the areas and promised measures.

  • Man trapped in machine after workplace accident

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    When the police arrived at the scene, the man was awake and able to speak. However, there is no further information on the man’s injuries.

    A police report about bodily injury due to a workplace accident has been written.

  • One more detained after major crackdown

    Another person is requested to be detained after the police’s major crackdown in Sundsvall at the end of January, reports SVT Västernorrland.

    The man is suspected of serious weapons offences. According to the newspaper, the man is written in another place in Sweden.

    Eleven people have already been detained following the police crackdown.

  • The government appoints an inquiry into public service

    The government, together with the support party Sweden Democrats, has decided to appoint an investigation into the public service mission, writes, among other things, Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand (M) in a debate article in Dagens nyheter.

    The investigation is in the light of the fact that the broadcast license for public service is to be extended in 2026.

    The investigation must provide evidence on how the task should be regulated with the goal of developing the transparency citizens have on how tax funds finance the companies.

    “Public service must maintain the credibility it currently enjoys with large parts of Sweden’s population, but also that its legitimacy must be strengthened among those who today lack confidence in, or have no relationship with, public service,” the debate article states.

    More than the Minister of Culture, the debate article is signed by Alexander Christiansson (SD), Roland Utbult (KD) and Robert Hannah (L).

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  • Will you broadcast live the Armed Forces’ press conference about the avalanche accident today?


    Hello! We thought so, it airs at 1 p.m.

  • Hello,

    Why don’t you write anything about Kalla Fakta’s review of UNHCR? I think it is very important that the Swedish people get a share of their pitiful salaries and that they exploit the needy in their advertising campaigns and do not want to report how much goes to the needy in Ukraine. Not everyone watches TV plus I think the media should really cover this.


    Hi Sonja! We wrote about it earlier this week, here. The flow is updated quickly, so it’s easy to miss, perhaps. 🙂

  • Which eggs should be infected that we should return?


  • Does salmonella survive in hard-boiled eggs? Or in a cake? Sigh. Don’t dare use eggs at all now..

    Bun-baking Grandma

    According to The Swedish Food Agency kills salmonella within seconds at 65 degrees. So it’s just a matter of cooking/baking!

  • “U.S. urged to withdraw its and NATO military equipment from Ukraine to de-escalate its ‘intensified confrontation’ with Russia, ministry tells U.S. ambassador to Moscow Tracy Lynne”

    Russia you mean?


    Doesn’t quite match what you mean now, Jo?

    Russia’s Foreign Ministry calls on the US to withdraw from Ukraine. The call was delivered to the US ambassador in Moscow.

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