Fewer homes were sold by the Crown Bailiff in 2022

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A total of 1,953 cases relating to the sale of properties and housing were received during the year. A reduction compared to 2021, when the number of cases received landed at 2,475.

“Cost increases and interest rate hikes, most of which occurred in the second half of the year, have not yet affected the inflow of cases for sale. There is a lag effect of approximately 9-12 months from the time the economy slows down until a case reaches a property sale,” writes the Kronofogden in the annual report.

Of the properties and condominiums submitted to the authority for sale, 38 percent were sold. This was an increase compared to 2021, when 33 percent of the properties and condominiums were sold.

“The increase is due to the parties finding a solution on their own to a greater extent than before,” writes the Kronofogden.
