found? A DNA test soon to be carried out?

found A DNA test soon to be carried out

Julia Faustyna, a 21-year-old Polish woman, claims on social media to be Maddie McCann, a 4-year-old British girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007. Julia Faustyna is asking for a DNA test to verify her identity.

Will the Maddie McCann case be solved? It’s on his Instagram account, @iammaddiemccanwhom Julia Faustyna claims to be Maddie McCann, a four-year-old girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007. Followed by more than 900,000 subscribers, the young woman claims to have many similarities with Maddie, in particular the same color of eyes and of hair, similar moles and a similar eye spot.

A DNA test soon to be carried out affirms the young woman

On the social network, the 21-year-old young woman regularly posts photos of comparisons between her photos and that of Maddie McCann. She says there that she created this account in order to approach Maddie’s parents to do a DNA test to confirm or refute her statements. Operation which seems to have borne fruit because she specified in her Instagram biography that “Kate and Gerry McCann [les parents de Maddie] have agreed to do a DNA test!”. Yet the question of age poses a major concern for consistency. Maddie McCann should be 19 today, not 21. An inconsistency to which the young woman has provided an answer: “On my papers, I am 21 years old, but I think that when someone kidnaps a child, he probably changes his identity” she told on the networks.

In addition to the argument of physical similarities, Julia Faustyna advances other tracks, in particular a disturbing discussion with her parents: “when I asked my father if he was really my biological father, he said to me “Yes yes , and even if I’m not, it wouldn’t change anything”. As for my mother, she was angry and did not want to answer” told the young adult. Another clue according to Julia, one of the suspects in the Maddie McCann case “looks like” the man who attacked her when she was younger, indeed Julia said she was the victim of “a German pedophile” and no longer remembering his childhood and suffering from “post-traumatic amnesia”.

What do we know about the disappearance of Maddie McCann?

Disappeared in May 2007, Maddie McCann and her family are staying with friends in a hotel complex in southern Portugal. It was on the evening of May 3 that Maddie disappeared while she was in her hotel room with her 2-year-old twin brothers. His parents then in the restaurant a few meters from the room with friends regularly making rounds in the children’s rooms to check that everything was fine. When Kate McCann returns around 10 p.m., Maddie’s bedroom windows are open and the little girl is gone. First suspected parents were quickly exonerated.

Who is the prime suspect in the McCann case?

The main track favored by the investigators weigh on a German pedophile who would be linked to the case. He is currently charged in Germany for five other crimes and sexual offenses committed in Portugal between 2000 and 2017. Yet his guilt in the Maddie case has never been demonstrated. Many other tracks were revealed but often abandoned by the investigators for lack of evidence.
