Terna, electricity consumption still declining in January

Terna invigorated on the Stock Exchange after the RBC Target

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – You consume electric down in the month of January, with the first gradual signs of recovery for the industrial sector. According to the data of Triadthe company that manages the national transmission grid, Italy consumed a total of 26.2 billion kWh of electricity, a figure down by 4.6% compared to January 2022.

In detail, January this year had one more working day (21 vs 20) and one temperature average monthly 1.5°C higher than in January 2022. The figure for electricity demand, seasonally adjusted and corrected for the opposite effects of calendar and temperature, is down by 4.3%. TO level territorial, the January trend variation was negative everywhere: -4.2% in the North, -5.1% in the Center and -5.2% in the South and on the islands. In terms conjuncturalthe value of electricity demand adjusted for seasonal adjustments for calendar and temperature effects was substantially stationary compared to December 2022 (+0.1%).

In January 2023 the Italian electricity demand was 81.9% satisfied with production national and for the remainder (18.1%) from the balance of energy exchanged with foreign countries. Net national production amounted to 21.6 billion kWh, down by 13.7% compared to January 2022. The sources renewable covered a total of 28.2% of electricity demand with the following changes: photovoltaic -13.9%, wind -10.5%, water -10.9% and geothermal -4.4%. Thermal generation was also down (-14.9% compared to January 2022).

The production of renewable sources was divided as follows in January: 30.9% wind28.2% water19.8% biomass14.9% photovoltaic and 6.2% geothermal. For what concern import-export balance, the change is equal to +86.1% due to a combined effect of an increase in imports (+59.5%) and a decrease in exports (-45.3%). Specifically, Terna recorded import values ​​that for most of the hours of January exceeded 9 GW on the Northern border, a figure made possible also thanks to the implementation of capital light interventions aimed at optimizing the management of the national transmission grid , for the benefit of the safety of the entire electricity system.

According to Terna’s surveys illustrated in the monthly report, considering all renewable sources, in January 2023 the increase of capacity in Italy it is equal to 297 MW, an increase (+170%) compared to the same period of 2022.

L’IMCEI index elaborated by Terna, which examines the industrial consumption of the so-called ‘energy-intensive‘, recorded a decrease of 8.5% compared to January 2022, but a growth of 3.5% compared to December 2022 (data seasonally adjusted and adjusted by the calendar effect): it is the first increase recorded after two months consecutive bending. In particular, compared to the same month of last year, there has been an increase in consumption in the food, chemical, means of transport, ceramics and glass industries; negative values, however, for the steel, mechanical, paper, non-ferrous metals and cement, lime and plaster sectors.
