Here Tova loses in the matter – does not know the answer to any question

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Christoffer Hammarlöf, who has been chosen as this week’s champion, chooses to face Tova Andersson in the parliament. New for this year in Farmen is that girls and boys can meet each other, but then the branch they compete in will always be knowledge. So, Christoffer and Tova meet in knowledge, but it doesn’t turn out to be a particularly exciting match.

Tova is forced to leave the Farm

Christoffer has a handle on the farming practice. But it is different for Tova. To the majority of all questions, she only answers a question mark, and when Anna Brolin has asked all the questions, Tova has not been right about a single one. She therefore becomes the participant who is allowed to leave the Farm.

– I lost because I haven’t read this farming practice. I haven’t made an effort when it comes to reading. So I’m still happy, I did my best, says Tova.

In the player above, you see the fight between Tova and Christoffer in the court.
