Putin met with German Chancellor Scholz! Same table again…

Putin met with German Chancellor Scholz Same table again

Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met at the Kremlin Palace.

Diplomatic talks between Russia and western countries continue after the crisis in Ukraine and the draft security guarantees offered by Russia to the west. Russian President Putin, who recently hosted French President Emanuel Macron at the Kremlin Palace, hosted Olaf Scholz, the new Chancellor of Germany, today. It was reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who came to Russia, did not accept Russian doctors to have a PCR test, and had a German doctor at the German Embassy in Moscow had a PCR test done. Scholz, who went to the Kremlin Palace to hold a bilateral meeting, was greeted by Putin, while the leaders made brief statements before proceeding to the private meeting.

Stating that they will discuss important issues with German President Olaf Scholz, Putin said, “We will devote an important part of our meeting to issues related to the security situation in Europe and the events around Ukraine.” Recalling his meeting with Macron last week, Putin said, “About the essence of the issues raised during our discussion. I know it informed you. It would be helpful to hear your assessment of what happened,” he said.

Reminding that he has just started his duty as prime minister, Scholz said, “I am glad that our meeting took place. The visit to Russia was special for me.” Stressing that the timing of this meeting is also important, Scholz stated that he believes that the problems between states should be resolved through dialogue.


Recently, it was revealed that the meeting was held at the giant table, as French President Emmanuel Macron did not make PCR tests to Russian doctors before his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin also confirmed that Macron did not want Russian doctors to undergo PCR testing. Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the giant table today.

