Oliguria: symptoms, causes, what is it?

Oliguria symptoms causes what is it

This term indicates an abnormally low production of urine. The causes can be very varied, from the most benign to the most serious. If it persists, it is a situation not to be taken lightly. What are the symptoms ? What are the risks ? And how to treat oliguria?

Definition: what is oliguria?

Oliguria means a abnormally low production of urine by the body. “It can be transient or, on the contrary, evolve towards anuria, which is the complete cessation of urine production. This situation is a medical emergency“, says Prof. Alexandre de la Taille.

Norm: from when do we speak of oliguria?

Normal urinary output is between 800 and 1500 ml per 24 hours. “When the production of urine emitted in 24 hours is less than 500 ml in adults, and 0.5 ml/kg/h in children, we speak Oliguria“, specifies the Pr. of the Size.

What are the symptoms associated with oliguria?

This causes various symptoms:

  • Decline in urine volume
  • Edema in the legs, ankles and feet
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea Sometimes
  • Irregular heartbeat

What are the causes of oliguria in children?

They can be multiple:

  • dehydration : this is often the first cause. Insufficient fluid absorption, high fever, gastroenteritis… can cause a decrease in the amount of urine
  • acute kidney failure
  • urinary tract obstruction (kidneys, ureter…)
  • Ihas taken certain medications, including antibiotics

What causes oliguria in adults?

In addition to dehydration, in adults, it is possible to add:

  • A enlarged prostate : if the organ is swollen, it can compress the urethra, and prevent urine from flowing.
  • There taking medication such as antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and those to treat high blood pressure
  • A urinary tract obstruction, by a calculation for example.

What are the risks of oliguria?

“One of the major risks is the development of a severe kidney failure“, notes the urologist.

Treatment will depend on the cause. “To determine it, various tests will be prescribed: a blood test as well as an abdominal and kidney ultrasoundexplains Pr. de la Taille.

Thanks to Pr. Alexandre de la Taille, urologist at the Henri Mondor Hospital, in Créteil.
