In the film adaptation of Sarah Kuttner’s bestseller Kurt, everything revolves around an immense loss. Lena (Franziskamachens) and her partner Kurt (Schweiger) move in with his ex-wife Jana (Jasmin Gerat) so that the three of them can take care of Kurt and Jana’s little son, also Kurt (Levi Wolter). But when his life is snatched away in a shocking accident, the trio must deal with the gaping hole in their lives.
What could have been an overly sentimental exhibition of grief turned out to be a surprisingly honest and courageous drama for many critics. FILMSTARTS calls Dear Kurt “Til Schweiger’s best film in 15 years” and attests to the leading actor one of his “strongest achievements” ever. also praises the work as its greatest highlight for a long time, the “also emphasize the individual when mourning“. With 5.5 points, IMDb awards the best Schweiger rating since honey in the head.
When is Manta, Manta 2 in cinemas?
To what extent Dear Kurt is a foreshadowing of Manta, Manta is hard to tell. In more than 20 years as a director, Til Schweiger has shown a knack for casting and small, special moments. They could also come into play between the gearshift and the turbocharger. Manta, Manta 2 will be released in theaters on March 30, 2023.
The 10 biggest streaming films of 2023 on Netflix, Amazon & Co.
In this installment of our Moviepilot podcast, Stream Browsing, we take a look at the big movies coming exclusively to Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Apple TV+ this year. The result is a list of ten special recommendations.
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From the sci-fi epic to the potential Oscar nominee, everything is included. The talents gathered are particularly impressive. In 2023 we can expect new movies from Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Zack Snyder in the streaming space, while Gal Gadot, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth will be in front of the camera.
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