will the vote on the starting age take place?

will the vote on the starting age take place

There are only two days left for deputies to debate the pension reform. The Nupes has dropped ballast by withdrawing thousands of amendments to speed up the debates. But will the deputies manage to vote on the retirement age? The live.

The essential

  • New day of debates on the pension reform this Thursday, February 16, 2023. There are now only two days left for deputies to examine the bill.
  • While for ten days, the debates have been obstructed by the study of thousands of amendments, the Nupes has let go of the ballast and withdrawn a large part of the amendments that still remained to be examined.
  • Objective: to speed up the debate and make it possible to go as far as a vote on the retirement age, by midnight Friday, before the text goes to the Senate.
  • Follow the debates at the Assembly live on our site with the live video LCP.


09:17 – Where are the deputies?

At the opening of this eighth session dedicated to pension reform, the deputies are continuing to examine the amendments intended to add an article after article 2 (rejected by the National Assembly) which proposes higher taxation on shares free. It is an operation “by which a company gives its own shares to its employees or its managers. It is a mechanism of additional remuneration” details the site public service.

09:00 – Pension reform in the Assembly, day 8!

Day 8 for the debates on pension reform in the National Assembly. This Thursday, February 16, the work of the deputies resumes at 9 a.m. at the Palais Bourbon with the continuation of the study of the bill. Until midnight this evening, the deputies will work on the thousands of amendments still to be studied.

Learn more

Pension reform is THE major societal project carried out by Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic undertook, in his program, to push back the minimum age of departure to 64 (compared to 62 today) after the end of discussions on the subject in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Covid. The abolition of certain special regimes had also been promised. But who is affected by the reform? With what impact? All the explanations in our dedicated articles.

Started on Monday February 6, 2023, the examination of the amending social security financing bill for 2023 (full name of the bill in which articles on pension reform are integrated) has already enabled the adoption of two articles out of the 21 (including the introductory article) in the bill. It is the introductory articlea technical article that outlines the bill and the costed explanations, as well as Prime articlewhich provides for the abolition of special pension schemes electricity and gas industries (IEG), the Autonomous Paris Transport Authority (RATP), notary clerks and employees (CRPCEN), the Banque de France, and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) for agents who will be recruited from September 1, 2023.

The pension reform bill is the subject of fierce protest, both among the French and within the National Assembly. The hemicycle is split in two between the defenders and the opponents of this text, making the atmosphere electric at the Bourbon palace. While the government only has a relative majority in the lower house of Parliament, the reform carried out by Emmanuel Macron is not certain to pass easily and it could only be played with a few votes. So, how does your MP position itself vis-à-vis this text? Find out with our search engine.

For the time being, no vote on a motion, an article or an amendment related to this bill has been made in the presence of the 577 deputies. The hemicycle has never yet been truly full to decide on this text, hence the absence of a few parliamentarians in our table. It should however be noted that the elected representatives of the government majority (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons) are in favor of the reform, that LR is divided on the subject and that the Nupes and the RN oppose it.
