Find shows 3 new mounts, which you can probably get from the trading post

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You can earn pets, transmog gear and mounts via the new trading posts in World of Warcraft (WoW). 3 mounts that will soon be part of the trading post inventory have now been found during data mining.

What are these finds? Dataminers regularly comb through the World of Warcraft code to find upcoming changes. Some of the latest finds include content you may soon find in the Trading Post. Everything you need to know about the new trading post.

The selection consists of epic transmog sets, individual transmog items, pets and also mounts.

1. Magenta Cloud Serpent

What mount is this? Another Cloud Serpent for WoW that comes equipped with a saddle on its back. It shines in purple/pink. The description states, “More affectionate than their cousins, Magenta Cloud Serpents are known to form close bonds with their riders.”

Costs: The mount should probably cost 900 merchant currencies at the trading post.

2. Savage Green Battle Turtle

What mount is this? With this turtle you are obviously well equipped for fights. Her shell is equipped with a saddle and extra long spikes. There’s what looks like little cannons with fuses on them.

The Green Turtle’s description reads: “Is the turtle too slow to chase your enemies? Just add cannons. Nothing can escape a cannon”

Costs: The mount is said to cost 999 merchant divisions at the trading post. But that seems to be just a placeholder. It is believed to be a monthly reward like Ash’adar.

3. Quawks

What mount is this? A colorful bird that appears in purple/pink colors similar to the Cloud Serpent. The description reads: “Squawks’ older (and slightly louder) brother seems to tolerate your presence. For the moment. You should probably find some crackers while you still can.”

Costs: The mount is said to cost 999 merchant divisions at the trading post. But that seems to be just a placeholder. It is believed to be a monthly reward like Ash’adar.

Which of the mounts do you like best? Take our poll and vote for which of the mounts you like best.

You have to consider this: These finds were discovered during data mining. This means that while they are already in WoW’s code, there is no guarantee that they will actually be released.

On the other hand, it is also quite possible that the mounts will soon be found in the rewards rotation of the trading post and you can secure them.

So there should soon be 2 pets in the trading post for free, for which you otherwise had to pay 10 €
