“This is what I have chosen to do”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Two weeks ago, the first part was broadcast Lee Christiernsson’s48, documentary “Becoming Lee” and the episode was met with praise from across the nation.

“To become Lee” is about how the former “Carpenter-Björn” becomes who he is today. We get to follow along on the journey that the “Finally Home” profile went through when “Snickar-Björn” became Lee.

Many viewers write in the comment fields on Instagram that the fantastic documentary gave them a greater understanding of what it means to be non-binary and that it answered questions they did not dare to ask about transsexuality.

Viewers also get to see what it was like for Lee to tell his relatives about his journey and get to know a little more about the surgery he chose to do.

Lee opens up to his friend about the surgery

In the final episode of “Becoming Lee”, Lee films himself calling a close friend and telling them about his journey. A friend who at the time has no idea about it all.

– Hey mate, it’s been a long time. How long has it been, a year?, Lee begins.

– But servant friend, yes it has been at least a year, how is the situation?

– Yes, but now I’m going to send you some pictures that you can look at while we talk, surely you’re so technical that you can look at them at the same time?, says Lee and sends, among other things, the picture shown below .

Out of respect for his friend, Lee wears headphones so that you don’t hear exactly what the friend is saying. But from Lee’s answer you can still get a sense of what is being said.

Lee calls a friend. Image source: TV4

– Haha no, that’s me in the picture. No, I have not changed gender, but transsexual non-binary with female gender expression. Yes, I’m doing it, says Lee and continues.

– What sits between the legs will remain. And if I marry or get together with someone, it will likely be a woman.

Later in the documentary, Lee shows the results after her breast surgery and says that it all went very well and that she was very satisfied.

– They are still very swollen and I take strong painkillers but I am super happy with how good this feels.

Lee puts on her makeup before dinner. Image source: TV4Lee is praised by colleagues and friends

Another evening, Lee meets a group of friends and old colleagues for dinner for the first time since he began his transition. A meeting that would turn out to be incredibly nice.

– But damn you are beautiful, one of the friends exclaims when he sees Lee.

– You are also very handsome, Lee exclaims back.

Lee had dinner with colleagues and friends. Image source: TV4

– But you, how long have you been thinking about this then?

– No, but it’s been since I was born. And it’s not that it’s been something I can’t put my finger on, but I’ve known what it is, replies Lee.

– But how has it been with all this matcho stuff you’ve been associated with? And a lot of people who thought you were attractive as a man.

– What can you say, all coins have two sides, and you can say that I am now turning my other side up. But of course it has been painful at times when you hear many in the industry who had a very negative tone about transsexuality or homosexuality.

“We are with you”. Image source: TV4

– That whole macho thing is to hell. It’s seriously something I’ve never stood up for, adds a friend next to Lee.

– You have been incredibly brave in this. We have known each other for 35 years and it feels fantastic to be part of this journey. And we’re with you, another friend says before toasting Lee.

Becoming Lee can be streamed on TV4 Plat and Cmore.
