7 weeks of pregnancy (9 WA): what changes?

7 weeks of pregnancy 9 WA what changes

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, the symptoms are still present (swollen stomach, stomach ache, fatigue…). But they should subside soon. Remember to buy a bra adapted to your breasts, which are gradually changing. How does the embryo develop at 9 SA? Here is what awaits you during this 7th week of pregnancy.

AT 7 weeks of pregnancy (or 9 weeks of amenorrhea), the early pregnancy symptoms are still present, but still a little patience, because the nausea and other minor ailments should soon subside at the end of the 3rd month. Now is the time to learn about maternity registration. Take the time to rest and equip yourself, especially with maternity clothes, by choosing a bra adapted to your changing breasts. For his part, baby continues to grow: his body becomes slimmer, longer and straighter while his face takes shape.

How many months and SA at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

The 7th week of pregnancy corresponds to 9 weeks of amenorrhea (9 HER). You are in the middle of your second month of pregnancy.

What symptoms at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

When will soon end the second month of pregnancythe symptoms may begin to subside. Nausea, fatigue and various minor ailments become a little less present. The energy hasn’t returned yet, but you’re on the right track! Again, every woman is unique and some will experience intense nausea for several more weeks. Listen to your body, but trust it and give it time. You are making a baby, it is quite normal that your body and your spirit are shaken!

How is the belly at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

You will still have to wait a few weeks before seeing the curves of your pregnancy. But at 9 SA, your belly is more and more swollen and tense, due in particular to the increase in the volume of your uterus. It is only at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy that your belly should round out more.

What HCG level at 7 weeks pregnant?

At 7 weeks of pregnancy or 9 WA, the HCG level is on average between 35,000 and 160,000 mIU/L.

What weight gain at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

Ideally, you should take about 1 kilo per month, up to 12 or 13 in total. continue to monitor your diet, making sure to eat a varied and balanced diet. At this stage of pregnancy, you may not have seen a noticeable difference on the scale yet, especially if you are prone to morning sickness and vomiting. But this weight gain should not delay.

Which ultrasound at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

If you haven’t already done it in the previous weeks, it’s time to do your dating ultrasound which must be done between 3 and 7 weeks of pregnancy. It will be used to specify the date of the beginning of pregnancy. It is from this date that the dates of the other ultrasounds can be determined as part of your pregnancy follow-up, in particular the next one, the first trimester ultrasound which is used to screen for trisomy 21.

  • While your baby was completely folded in on himself, he is now starting to recover little by little.
  • His skeleton begins the process of ossificationthe cartilage beginning to give way to the bones (hence the importance of eating well at this stage of pregnancy to provide all the nutrients necessary for the proper growth of your baby).
  • This 7th week of pregnancy is also marked by permanent placement of the thyroid gland while the other organs continue to develop at their own pace.
  • His face continues to refine: he gradually takes on human form with the appearance of ears and eyelids. We even begin to distinguish his lower jaw and his lips are emerging little by little.
  • His head is always very big compared to his bodybut it is more and more clearly separated from the latter because the neck appears.
  • His fingers are also modeled and its limbs continue to slowly lengthen. His arms, by the way, are growing faster than his legs!

What is the size of the embryo at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo measures about 2 centimeters and weighs 2 g.

When to do your first prenatal consultation?

If you have not yet completed your first prenatal consultationconsider making an appointment with your gynecologist or midwife. This examination must be carried out before the end of the third month of pregnancy.. It allows you to take stock of your state of health, to carry out a certain number of important additional examinations (screening for toxoplasmosisHIV, blood group determination, etc.) and determine the term of your pregnancy.

When to register for maternity?

If it hasn’t been done yet, remember to register in the maternity ward where you want to give birth. Be aware that some establishments are taken by storm, so better not wait. To choose your maternity ward well, take into account a certain number of criteria: proximity to your home, accessibility, number of caesareans or episiotomy, room comfort, visiting hours, etc. Our maternity guide will give you all the useful information.
