majority and opposition comment on the start of political consultation

majority and opposition comment on the start of political consultation

In Gabon, political consultation between members of the majority and the opposition opened on February 13, 2023 in the presence of President Ali Bongo. Some of their representatives give their point of view on this initiative supposed to help free, credible, transparent and violence-free elections.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

In Gabon, the long-awaited political consultation started on February 13, 2023 at the presidential palace. Ali Bongo, the Gabonese president, had in front of him for the first time since his re-election in 2016 the political leaders of the majority and the opposition.

Objective: to achieve free, credible, transparent and violence-free elections, as was the case in 2016.

Make sure everyone participates in the deliberations »

Paulette Missambo, president of the National Union and the Alternance 2023 Platform, is the leader of the opposition parties who have been calling for this consultation to be held since May 2022. At the end of the opening ceremony, she noted good and bad points. “ I note one satisfaction, it is that the Head of State indicated that the conclusions of the work should be translated into lawshe points out. On the other hand, participation is limited to thirty representatives of the majority and the opposition. From the moment we have invited everyone, we must ensure that everyone participates in the deliberations “.

Spokesperson for the presidential majority, Florentin Moussavou welcomes President Ali Bongo’s initiative to bring the political class together around a table. Not to settle a crisis but to warn the country against post-election violence. ” There is not at the level of the majority the slightest doubt as to the fact of seeing this consultation bring the fruitshe says. Let us be able to salute this gesture of grandeur that the President of the Republic Ali Bongo has just launched “.

Work resumes on Tuesday afternoon. They will last 10 days. The recommendations will be translated into laws, pledged Ali Bongo.

► To read also: Political consultation in Gabon: Ali Bongo announces future terms limited to 5 years
