Scar on TikTok: risks, what is this new challenge?

Scar on TikTok risks what is this new challenge

Teenagers who surf on Tik Tok have fun pinching their cheek until they see a “scar” appear. A new risky challenge among young people, and relayed en masse on the social network.

The challenges on Tik Tok are constantly increasing, and teenagers are the first to test these challenges which, most of the time, are not without risk. After the deodorant challenge, the Skull Breaker Challenge or the Tranquilizer Challenge, today is the scar challenge who is talking about him. This dangerous new challenge is to pinching the cheek aggressively, using two fingers in a slight rotation, so as to create a mark on the face. Teens film themselves to relay their videos, which are liked and shared thousands of times.

And although the platform clarifies that it is forbidden to broadcast content that incites self-harm, this does not seem to prevent young people from embarking on such challenges, and even making them into “tutorials”, to show how to create your scar.

What are the risks of the scar challenge?

This new form of self-harm can create Spider angiomas. These marks on the face can last for several months, and in some cases, laser surgery can be used. According to dermatologist Marie Jourdan, this manipulation “causes dysfunctions of the blood microcirculation“. The other risk “is to make a Spider angioma which persists, and to keep aesthetic sequelae”, she specifies in the Journal Le Parisien.
