“She has done so much for me” – Nicolay pays tribute to his mother

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

19 year olds Nicolay Garcia de la Cueva from Eskilstuna is this year’s youngest participant in Biggest Loser. He has previously said that his father met someone else and left the family. He felt abandoned by his father, felt bad and dropped out of school completely in the eighth grade.

— I started taking comfort food because I had so much anxiety. I gained 35 kilos in just a few months. I felt like shit, there were very dark thoughts, he said in the first program.

Paying tribute to his mother
In this week’s episode, he tells us that his mother was a great support during the time he suffered from depression. He pays tribute to the mother and says that he now wants to help her – that is one of the reasons why he is so motivated to succeed in losing weight.

— The pressure that my mother experiences on a daily basis… if I had been in that situation, I would have walked into the wall! So it is very important to me that I can help her. She has done so much for me through my depression and everything, says Nicolay.

Wanted to meet his father
Nico also says that he tried to meet his dad before he went to Biggest Loser, but the meeting never happened – which made him very disappointed.

“He couldn’t and he just postponed it, so it became very difficult,” he says.

In the clip above: Pischa recognizes herself in Nico’s story – supporting and cheering him on
